hello, Crystal

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Let's just say I'm speechless. Aaand I just proved myself wrong by saying something. Aand I should PRROOBABBLLY shut up. But I won't, I can't. Ladies and gentlemen: EXACTLY how you didn't want to see Avalon Rivera. Lost and insecure. Yep. Worse yet: it was nowhere near 8 P.M. it was like.....what......1 P.M? yeah, bout right.

nothing compares to a quiet evening alone with myself. I was relying on that never happened. Hoping I could tape over my mouth. And still, I hoped I'm dreaming again. Daydreaming. Daydreaming. I need to be more then my little spice.

You know what this requires? A nice refreshing, duo with a punching bag. Cuz that's how insecure people take themselves out. It's a mean cycle. Ava! Hold it together! we're not the same. We share the same jawline. suuuuurre. Facepalm. You don't have a face to face palm. Honestly, why do I even bother? IDK. You should just enjoy your sorry life. My life is your life. Hahahhahh, good o'l touché. Shall I take you where you need to be? Make me. Challenge excepted.

It? he? she? Beast? Subconscious? Does the English language even have a word for it? anyway....thing.....took control of me. I didn't fight it; I needed some time with someone else in my head. It knew it, so subconscious thing didn't try too hard. Sub-it-thing-he-she-beast took control of all muscles and joints. It calmed my heartbeats to a rational rate.

It took me to the Starbucks. Of course. It took control of my tongue, and next thing I knew, there was a spitefully cold mint dark chocolate macchiato in my clammy hand. The midnight mint mocha macchiato frappe-thingy. Yes, the loving one, only now, it was normal, and sullen. Still, my subconscious couldn't bring my taste buds to indulge in the macchiato. The surreal truth of the traumatic event was lingering in the air like the thick vapor of a foggy mountainside. Only, this was no mountainside. This was more like a landslide.

I looked around, and was relieved to find nobody from before was here. I wouldn't be able to bring myself to converse. You can't scribble out the truth with what you want to believe.

A girl came up and sat on the seat across from me. I was tempted to get up and sit somewhere else, but that would just give her a reason to follow me. I wasn't in the mood to profile her, but I did remember her from the database. Crystal, her name was. She seemed rather optimistic and positive.

She wore a magenta tunic with a jean jacket and skinny lace jeans. Her Converse had a blue flower print.

She had her elbows on the table, her head nestled on her hands. She sipped her cinnamon pumpkin spice latte. Her speech caught my rare surprise.

Crystal: "You know what you remind me of? One of those creepy introverted super-humans from Twilight that stare at things peevishly. Like, if you were a boy, people would confuse it for a perverted stare."

Me: "don't tell that to the Twihards."

Crystal: "is that what they call themselves?"

Me: "meh. I don't know, don't care for fandoms. At least it's better than Beilebers."

Crystal: "welp. There are many more Beilebers than Twihards."

I absently stirred my macchiato.

Crystal: "why so sulky? Less depressio, more espresso!" (as quoted by Lana)

I couldn't help but sheepishly smirk.

Crystal: "I wont make you tell me what happened, but it would help you, and I promise not to judge."

Me: "you wouldn't understand."

Crystal: "oh please! That's a lame, cliché, over used obvious excuse."

Me: "touché. Fine, you win. I'll talk."

Crystal was 1000% shadow reaper compatible. Calm, collected, perky, relatable, the whole parking lot, not that you can park a good quality in someone's lot, if people had lots in themselves.

To cut things short, I simply poured my thoughts into her. She didn't freak out. She wasn't even stunned. She was intrigued.

Crystal: "wow. Not quite the norm. Your like, one of those cartoons where they play the game where you hit a hammer on a scale. Well sensei, the scale has flown into the sky."

I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I continued to stir my macchiato, but intensely. It swirled into an unappetizing coffee brown, but I continued. Everything in me wanted to strangle myself. What I had just done could be the death of me.

My fingers repeatedly taped the table. As my breathing and heart rate sped, the taping became more aggressive. I began to shake uncontrollably. A tear rolled down my flushed cheeks. I looked up, expecting everyone to be staring at me, but I found that time was frozen, but I didn't do it. something in me did it.

You didn't actually forget about me? right; you. Not that easy to be rid of me. I try to wash you away, but you just won't leave. If you tried hard enough, you could block me out. But I'm too important. So you can't. You won't. touché. Why do I indulge in battles I will never win? so anywho, whatcha gonna do? You can't sleep it off. No, you're no honey badger sleeping off the effects of snake venom. Unfortunate. If I ever get reincarnated, I'd be a honey badger. No. you'd be a purple, blue and green double-winged golden-eyed fiery crested phoenix. Or, as you'd prefer to refer to it as, "if a peacock were to become a phoenix." Ah, you know me to well. Of course I do. I part of you, I am you. You're just the one who's in control majority of the time. So whadaya want meh to do? You ask me like I should know. I only know what you know. If I say what we know, you will be tempted to reject the idea. So, I'll just sit tight. touché; you never fail. Anyway, imma finish my Starbucks, first. Ohhh, Ava. Can't live without her Starbucks. Don't forget Crystal. Oh right; Crystal. Think I should put her on the team? Ava, the team isn't everything.

I resumed the normal cycling of time.

Me:*sipping and stirring the mocha-thingy* "soo,...Crystal.....how's life?"

Crystal: "eh; life's just being...life-ey."

Me: "how's your social life?"

Crystal: "I'm fairly well acquainted with the nerd community. And you."

Me: "mmmmhmm. Do you believe in cryptozoology? "


I never told her my name.


Maybe I'm tripping.

Crystal: "AVALON."

It sounded more like a growl now.


. I promise, that wasn't me. yah, it's her. And I'm definitely not tripping, as much as I want to be. The evil energy was overwhelming. 

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