Sorry, Logic; we have to disown you

6 0 2

The sweet, tender girl was not that. She was filled with evil, so unbearable, I became light-headed. I swallowed the feel, and looked her in the eye. They glowing red, like fire embers. I had stopped time, but that wouldn't affect her. It didn't seem like an unbalance; it seemed like there was something in her, like a dragon spirit or something.

You thought.

Oh, right. She can do that. That's not good.



Then, she burst into flames, feathers, scales, dashes and purples? What? Well, a blue and purple phoenix; maybe I haven't seen everything.

So, Avalon, you asked me about cryptozoology?


Well, yes, I do believe in it.

Then, I was on the ground, held down by.....a dismembered gold dragon paw. It was like a vice, holding me in place against the ground.

You see, Avalon, this isn't your fight; I came here for your freinemy. Against me, your sooo weak, like a fly; I'll just swat you away. Unfortunetly, you're the prize. You make good bait, too.

"Hey! Gurlfren! Over here!"

That would be Zeleana. Crystal whipped around immediately. Next image, Crystal had her claws embedded in Zeleana's chest, and Zeleana had her (literal) shoulder blade in Crystals shoulder.

Zeleanas black, feathered wings shot up into the air, in unison with Crystal lilac wings. Feathers shot around the room, as if the image needed extra physique.

Then, Jasmine. Wait....JASMINE?! WHAT THE HELL??

"hey, Ava-chan. "

Me: Jasmine, wha-HOW??

"see these beautiful pearly white, feathery wings? They're mine. And yes. Perfect English. Took a while to figure out exactly how to move my tongue without seeming surreal, but I got it down pretty fast. Oh, yah. Angel is here, too."

The little flying fox bat came out from behind Jasmines wing.

Angel: sup, Ava-nator?

Me: yah, I'm fine, but we kinda have a prob. There are two immortals fighting above us. I'm the prize.

Jasmine: no problem, Baka.

One slash of her paw, and the vice crumbled. Then it immediately reformed. Jasmines pale teel blue and other aquamarine eye widened, like cat eyes do. The once slanted pupil filled the whole eye, the blue in the gone. Angel was rather unamused, licking her wing.

Jasmine: WELL THEN. Maybe this won't be so easy.

As if on cue, a-...HOLY COW-... a gold dragon came from the floor.

Then, as if things weren't going bonkers, a crimson dragon arose from the floor. Jasmines eyes widened further, only since they were already fully enlarged, they shrunk. Her were completely blue. NOW Angel reacted. Her head shot up, and suddenly, her pupils as well, were gone.

Jasmine slowly backed away, careful that her movement not catch their eyes. The two dragons stared fiercely at each other, before bursting into the air. Their tails grappled with each other; neither wanted to fight. If they could, they would solve this with a simple thumb wrestle. But neither would back down; they knew that. So they just fought, tales still interlocked. The crimson dragon gained the advantage of altitude, and descended on the gold dragon. This forced the gold dragon to the ground. Despite the gold dragon being much larger, the crimson dragons' smaller size gave him more maneuverability. The crimson dragon pinned the gold dragons chest to the ground. The gold dragons paws reached for the crimson dragon, to push him away. he pulled away, not letting the paw incapacitate him, but returning too swiftly for the gold dragon to gain footing.

Neither's amorous scales would be pierced by each other's sharp claws. Fire and freezing breath would only affect the very outer layer of each outer scale.

Crystal returned to aid her gold dragon. In the split moment Crystal was distracted, Zeleana blasted the gold dragon paw that held me down to bits.

I looked at Jasmine and Angel, and smirked. We knew what we should do, but hey; were teens! Of course were not gonna listen!

I called all the spirits, from manticore to cerebus; all of them. Angel summoned...A COLONY OF FLYING FOX BATS!?? THAT'S LIT! this may not be our fight, but its our world. So yes, it's our fight. Zeleana was going to kill me after this, but oh well; part of life. Jasmines pupils narrowed and enlarged, both playful and sinister.

Crystal summoned her own backup: several gargantuan dragons arose from the floor, and some of her part human friends, who summoned their own creatures. 

Zeleana summoned her won friends. The earthlings of another dimension, fighting in this dimension.

The place was quiet; a stand still. A chance for any cowards to leave. Nobody left, or showed weakness. This was war. When everyone turned to me, searching my face, I knew instantly. I WAS THE PRIZE. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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