Quake, Fang, and Violet

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I heard some commotion. Laughing and screaming; not exactly a good thing. I followed the noise, swiftly and quietly. As I turned into the corridor, I came upon three students. I was too enraged to recall their names from the database, and nor did it matter. There was a large orb web spider. They were poking at the spider with the tips of their black and white tennis shoes. The spider lifted his....correction.....her.....front legs in the air, displaying her fangs, in a defensive position. They taunted her, poking at her legs, then pulling their foot away before she retaliate. They mocked her, in a joking voice. "aww.......poorw itty bitty lill spidy-widy." The other two poked at it.

They were in for a wild ride. NOBODY messes with Avalon Rivera.


Boy #1: "okayyy...chill...." He walked away, not wanting to deal with making a scene.

Boy #2: "oooh......triggered...." I gave him the death glare, with a raised eyebrow. He backed up, following Boy #1.

Boy #3: crossed his arms over his chest, and smirked. He raised an eyebrow, and  said, "okay, Ms. Triggered. Make me." He mocked a kick at the orb web spider, for emphasis.

Me: "if you know what's good for you, you'd follow your li'l friends, before I drag you by your pretty li'l shirt collar."

People were already starting to gather around. Drama on the first day will get people talking.

Boy #3: looked around, smiled, and pointed at me. He then made a pity face. "aww....Ms. Triggered is feisty.....how cute..."he made a heart with his hands.


Boy #3: "you should probably trash talk on someone your own species, freak." He poked the spider with his foot. The spider, exhausted, collapsed.

Me: I sighed, and shook my head. "You asked for it." before he even knew what hit him, my hand had a fistful of his shirt collar. I threw him to the floor, and looked him in the eye with a death stare. "I hope you don't get expelled, just so I can have you as a punching bag. Seriously, though. Next time, pick on someone your own species. Seriously!? What kind of COWARD picks on a spider, which is tooo many times smaller than his cowardly self. I'm embarrassed being the same species as you. Now run off, and go recuperate with your buddies. "

I released my vice grip on his shirt collar, and allowed him to regain footing. He stood up. He looked at me, and shook his head. "Now why'd you have to do that?" his fist flew at my face, but not fast enough. I grabbed it, midair. I twisted his arm, and once again, dragged him to the floor. I glared at him in the eye, and said, "I DON'T apologize for any collateral damage. Go, you foolish coward. Your buddies are waiting." He quickly regained footing, and swiftly retreated, to go lick his wounds with his buddy.

I went to the orb web spider. She was exhausted from trying to hold her ground. I cradled her on my sleeve. I telekinetically explained to her I meant no harm, and that she could rest in safety with me, then I'll put her in the woods, later.

I know perceived the boys names. Tom, Joe, and the third, Jimmy. (*I didn't want to waste other names on fill-in characters*)The school would let off Tom and Joe with a warning and punishment, most likely volunteer work. Jimmy may face expulsion. As for me? Nothing. :P

I would deny the three, sorry, two of them access to the Phoenix room, of course.

The crowd slowly started to clear. People didn't approach me, as they could tell I was still enraged. I made my way downstairs to the café area in the East wing. I needed some chocolate, or really whatever the café area has to offer.

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