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I just realized I don't know what to do for this portion of the chapter. Sorry.

I set my cinnamon latte on the polished wood table, and lowered myself onto the chair. Her sapphire eyes were relaxed focused on her work. Her hand held a tool. The tool was a wooden stick, the end carved into a chisel-like form. Her hand glided effortlessly over the canvas. The canvas was streaked with black markings. Individually, they were just streaks of black ink. Together, they formed letters. The letters were bunched together, resembling the stripes of a pouncing tiger. Letters in the backdrop resembled the tall trees of the taiga forest. The letters were Chinese symbols. Once complete, the symbols would spell multiple Chinese proverbs.

If this goes somewhere else, I'm sorry. I setup the last chapter where I go to sit with Violet. I sat down to write this chapter, and then I'm like, crap. I don't know what happens next. So.......... I'm gonna cheat. Im gonna cut the conversation short, and then have her introduce me to Evangaline.

Violet: *smirked* I'm surprised how forgiving Fang was. He didn't murder Tom in cold blood.

Me: *imitating angry Fang* what do you prefer? I force my hand into your neck and rip out your trachea, I claw into your chest and rip out your unbeating heart, I drag you into the table and strangle you, or I let Quakes pocket knife decide.

Violet: yup, that sounds like a Fang. They make a perfect, murderous pair, him and Quake. By the way, I overheard some boys talking about what happened upstairs. It was a good thing, what you did. People are jerks, and the only thing evil needs to prevail is good people doing nothing to stop it.

I reached into my pocket. I told the orb web spider my intention. She crawled onto my hand. I spread my hand out on the table. She crawled away from my palm, onto my fingers.

Me: she's a yellow garden orb web spider, characterized by the yellow on her otherwise black exoskeleton. Harmless, unless you're an insect caught in her web.

Violet: she's beautiful, not only by her ornate appearance and intricate webs, but also in her own unique killer quality.

Me: later today, I'm going to release her in the young willow trees situated off the local lake.

I put the orb web spider back in my pocket.Violets phone buzzed. A Hangouts message, from her friend Evangaline. She would unearth the phone from her pocket, and they would exchange a couple of messages.

Evangaline was fierce, kind, forgiving, smart, precise, and had just enough sass. She specialized primarily in math, all kinds of it. Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, all of it. she excels in all subjects. She was a force to be reckoned with. Violet saw the Hangouts message on her small Samsung screen.

Evangaline: where in the galaxy are you?! You were supposed to be here, in the Algebra room, at 9:30 A.M sharp. It is now 9:30 A.M and 30 seconds!! WHERE ARE YOU!?

Violet: Don't worry, I haven't drifted out of this galaxy, and I'm pretty sure that is physically impossible. Yes, I'm coming, and can I bring an accomplice?

Evangaline: you found a friend? Wow, that was fast. I haven't really met anyone yet.

Violet: Evaaaa...............did you spend the WHOLE MORNING in the MATH ROOM!?

Evangaline: correction. It is 9:32 A.M, still morning. Therefore, it is not the whole morning. 2, it isn't the math room. It is the Algebra 1 classroom, classroom 112.


Evangaline: At 8 A.M, I was walking in the hallway.

Violet: EVA! Your avoiding the question!


Violet: *devil emoji*

Evangaline: anyway, are you coming or not.

Violet: yes, I'm coming! I'm bringing someone with me.

Evangaline: sure

Evangaline: I'm giving you exactly 1 MINUTE, starting now.


Evangaline: 57 seconds......

Evangaline: the clock is ticking.....

Violet: ARRGHH!!

Evangaline: 52 seconds......

Violet brought her belongings into a pile in her arms, stood up, and grasped her caramel frappe with her free hand. She gave a quick gesture. follow, gotta go somewhere FAAST, Sonic fast, no time to explain. I followed, cinnamon latte in hand,i keeping up with her instantaneous velocity towards classroom 112.

The cliques of students clogging the students turned the once easy to navigate hallways into an intricate cathedral. We squeezed through small gaps, pushed students apart to create a cranny large enough to fit through. We got dirty looks, but Violet didn't seem to notice. She had made it her life's mission to get to Evangaline ASAP. I picked up on some of the clique member's thoughts:

Who do they think they are? I'm getting even with them! Do they think that allure hair give them privileges? I'll hit em with my lightning, and watch as they cry with thunder.

We finally crossed the threshold of classroom 112, to find a disappointed Evangaline. She was looking at us, her eyes shooting piercing arrows into our chests. She wasn't serious, no; she was being purposefully overdramatic for personal enjoyment. Violet, breathless, bent over, hands at her knees. being superhuman, I hadn't broke a sweat, but she was too breathless to notice. Evangaline was too busy having fun being overdramatic to notice. I fit the picture like another streak of color in the backdrop. Evangaline stood there, hands at her hips, tapping her foot, shaking her head in disappointment.

Evangaline: *clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth sassily, shaking her head* you took 73 seconds to get here....

Violet: *heaving* s-sorry.......... I know you told me to be here at 9:30 A.M sharp. I found the Starbucks and lost track of time. Also, WHY did you spend all this time HERE!?

Evangaline: hehe.....umm........OKAY! IM SORRY! I know you specifically told me not to spend all this time here, that I should meet people, but this place is awesome.

I stood there, sipping my latte, as if I was sitting at the movie theater, eyes glued to the screen, eating popcorn. Every moment of their friendship was savory entertainment, but it was good people didn't notice. I suddenly remembered the orb web spider. She was disoriented from the journey here, but fine.

Me: sorry about that......

Orb web spider: you'd better be. I had to hang on for dear life.

Me: I'll release you soon, and then you'll never have to see me again.

Orb web spider: thanks, and no. I wouldn't mind a visit.

Me: K.

Violets lungs relaxed. Evangaline looked at me. I awkwardly continued sipping my cinnamon latte.

Violet: this is......wait.......what's your name?

That's right; I never told her my name. I wasn't supposed to know her name, or Evangeline's.

Me: Avalon. Avalon Rivera. Ava, for short. Your...........

Violet: Violet. Violet Zelimer. V, for short.

Evangaline: Evangaline. Evangaline Lee. Eva, for short.

Me: *nods head* cool.


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