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Ship: DamiColin
Requested by: MysteryManaged77
Details: huge fluff

Colins POV

I have been sat on the rooftop for what seems like hours.Rain drops (top drops) constantly hitting my hair and the majority of my clothes in he process. The cold never bothered me. Even though ny clothes were soaking through. I don't really care if I get hypothermia or whatever its called these days.

If your wondering what i could possibly be doing up here at who know what time.Well I'll tell you. I was thinking about him being in my life as more than a best friend.

I slowly heard a soft  swoosh come from behind me. I quickly turned my head to see the handsome person I was just thinking about.Perfect timing am I right or am I right?

"Wilkes, what are you doing up here, especially when its raining you could catch a cold!?"he half yelled as to try and not alarm anyone.

"Thinking, what else!"I said in a cheery tone. Damian looked at me with a suspicious look on his face.

But I ignored it as I looked back out into the cloudy Gotham sky. I slowly closed my eyes as I slowky block out all the noises until I hear a slight thud next to me. I peeked out od the corner my eye to see Damian copying what I am doing and tryinf to enjoy himself.

Time skip

After a while of just sitting there I feel a small weight put upon my shoulder. I slowly looked to see Damian with his head on my shoulder. I felt a heat rush up to my cheek as I rested my head upon his.Thank god it was dark and no one was here to see this.One thing I have only just noticed is that how cute Damian is when he asleep.. 

Sooner than I had hoped I felt Dami shiver from the rain. So I picked him up bridle style. As I kept from rooftop to rooftop as I nicked well borrowed his grappling hook and took in my arms somehow to a short journey to his home back at Wayne Manor.


When we arrived back I managed to clamber through his window without alarming anyone. As I embarrassingly put him into his pajamas as I put him to bed, before I left I kissed his forehead and wished him goodnight.

As I was about to leave his bedside a small voice whispered

"Dont leave" So I didn't leave as I slowly clambered into his bed beside him and wrapped my arm around his waist and nuzzleded my head on his shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep before whispering I love you...


Very very short but I needed to set my mind straight (unlike myself)  and sort out an identity crisis hence the new username.

Also huge question..
What would you people think of my writing an AoT/SnK fanfic even though i know you all like DC alot. But i will try and spontaneously update this when I have inspiration

Sincerely me

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