HalBarry:No words Needed.

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We walked,Just walking. No sounds escaped out lips and neither we're any words as none were needed to be spoken. A comforting silence hung on our shoulders. We weren't alone we knew that already. Couples walking hand in hand love evident in their eyes as they looked in eachothers eyes as they knew they needed quiet as did everyone else. The silence was nice as we knew no words were needed, the midnight sky hung above our heads as stars fluttered, twinkling even as they reflected into our eyes.

I looked next to me at my lover. He was my everything saying he loves me and that I'm worth every second. It makes my heart hurt as I cannot express my feelings into words as I wish I could. No words have escaped my mouth since then. I just wish I could tell him how much I love him and how important he is to me.

You know that phrase that phrase  which is only three words 'I love you' these make your heart start beating faster and faster as your face flushes red. It feels as though a thousand of butterflies as trapped inside you stomach as you stutter struggling to find the words. These powerful words can change someone's life, they can make someone save their own life.

I smiled at my own thoughts. He tugged on my arm to get my attention. I looked back at him once more to see the same emotions as before. He pulled me in for a hug as he said the phrase. Hugging me as if he was afraid that if he let go he would lose me forever.

I rested my chin on his shoulder as I attempted to say it "I-I..." came out of my mouth only for me to bury my head back into his shoulder as embarrassment filled me. I can even say three words that he needed to hear.

He pulled apart as he smiled lovingly at my efforts as he knew how much courage it would be taken for me to attempt to speak.
I don't know how I deserved to have him in my life.

He squished me back into a hug as it felt like a sparks ignited with every physical contact as he just stayed there holding each other in the stars.

After what felt like an hour of peaceful silence he quickly pulled himself off of me and gestured he would be 1 minute after saying he would be back in a flash as I chuckled slightly at his childish demeanour he loved to portray.

After a minutes he came back with a hand behind him. He held my hand as he gave me a bouquet of red roses as he knealed down with a hopeful look in his eyes and he pulled out a ring.

"We've known eachother for a while now and with each day passing I am falling even more inlove with you so, will you Bartholomew Henry Allen Marry Me?" He finished as tears of joy were forming in my eyes.

I finally managed to say two words that will change the course of events in my life and that would be. I do.

I'm sorry it is short as I am really busy with alot of homework but i will eventually do another Halbarry and and finish off requests.

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