Birdflash:In love with a Heartbreaker.

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The Break Up (Pt2)
Requested by: @DaKawaiiSenpai

My opened and closed my eyes as the hours ticked by tears threatening to fall once again, I leaned against the wall. Whilst my breath slowly polluted the air. My body is being nipped by the cold even with my usually warm body heat. When I wasted my time staring out towards the world that has hurt so many people.

3 months...3 months since he broke my heart 3 months since I was cheated on. It's been that long and I've still got a brokenheart that's ironically even with my accelerated healing is healing slowly.

I should of seen this coming if I had to be honest. I mean how could a person like me have someone like him interested in me back. Then I ran off instead of trying to compromise a way for us to stay together. I was stupid to even think he would stay loyal. I guess he lives up to his player image. I just wasn't good enough.

So I ran off away from everyone. So no one had a way to find me.I quickly made a new life I transferred all my money into a new account. I bought a new phone in hopes of no one finding me.

I see him on the news. For every single gala remembering how he used to take me to them with a proud look on his face. As he was proud that we were together. I remember the first gala he took me to. We had to go out to the shopping centre so I could buy a suit since a didn't have one of my own.

I smile slightly at all the memories but how much they pain me. It hurts me when on the news he has either a new boy toy or a girl at his side. I wish I could warn them with what was going to happen. But i never got the chance to tell them before he already broke their hearts.

It's ridiculous how many people he has gone through in in three months as he adds many more  heartbreaks to his list.This proves how much I meant to him I our relationship. He moved on so quickly its as though as our relationship never happened even though it lasted for 4 years. Since the start of he team till now. I just didn't know why he did this at all.

God I need to get outside for a bit. I stood up and walked towards the hallway and picked up my hoodie and put on my trainers.I didn't know where I was going but I need to get out of here for a while. So I ran and ran getting faster and faster as I breathed slowly as my heart beated at my average bpm.

I came to a abrupt halt as I found myself in a familiar place....
I've been here before just where is here?

Oh no..

I'm back here....
Im near the place where my life went down hill.I know I ended it but it broke my heart to.I quickly turned away and started to wlk towards a store as my shoulder collided with someone's.I suddenly turned around.

"What the hell was that for!"I said slightly annoyed.

The man turned around as my emerald eyes were met with sapphire ones.My eyes widened as I instantly knew who it was.

It was Him...Richard John Gayson I meant Grayson....

"W-Wally!?Is that you?"He said  with a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes its me Dick"I said sternly as I started to turn around.Not wanting to engage in a conversation.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was quickly turned around and pinned against a wall.I new who it was.

"D-Dick what ar-"I started but was immediately cut off by a pair of lips on top of mine.Sweet and soft they felt as the kiss was filled of reminders and common territory.

I Kissed back out of instinct and old habits as I grabbed the back of his head deepening the kiss in the process.Our Lips fitted together and reminded me of the good old times when every thing was okay.

Eventually we parted as we needed to fill our lungs with the air that we ourselves polluted.

"That was amazing"He said with a cheerful glint in his eyes.

"Thank you for doing that."I responded with a genuine smile in my face.

I picked him up and ran off to an outpost I have here in Blüdhaven.


"Im sorry that I broke up with you I wasn't thinking properly and it wasn't what I wanted..."I said looking down at my feet.

I heard his footsteps as he walked infront of me as he lifted my chin up so I was looking at him.

"It was my fault aswell I was drunk prior to when I came back to the apartment.I was the one who cheated by accident.You had every right to break up with me"He said as he sat next to me and pulled me into a comforting hug.

"Can we try again?"I said with a hint of hopefulness in my voice as I turned to look at him.

He pulled me into a forgiving kiss as we felt as one again as if the hole in our hearts had been filled to make us whole.

"I-I mean C-Can we,M-May we,
M-May I?"I stuttered as though it was the day I asked him to be my boyfriend.

He chuckled slightly"We May"As he pulled my in for another kisses as my cheeks blushed bright red.

As we then pulled apart and cuddled to make up for lost time.
I guess I've fallen back in love with my heartbreaker who I never got over.I smiled to myself with pure joy as I had the familiar feeling of him in my arms.

Guess who's back
Back back again.
I am back and I need friends.

Here's you peeps long awaited continuation of the birdflash break up I hoped you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment.


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