Jaytim: They Say...

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They say that love means that
When ever they walk into the room you feel like you can't breathe.
It was a usual day for us. Clouds as white as snow hung above our heads in the pure blue sky,truly a rare day in Gotham I have to say its a surprise. We ended up going to the park which is little tradition for us whenever something was troubling us we would ask to meet up here. Today was my turn to ask. I was about to do it, my palms were sweaty and my breath was quicker than usual, every so often I felt like I couldn't breath due to nerves, as I was waiting upon your arrival, to calm my nerves I started drawing, ironically it was a robin with a black mask. I heard rustling behind me. I brushed it off thinking it was a squirrel in the tree behind me.
You heart beats faster,
All of a sudden I felt hands on my shoulders as I let out a yelp and jumped slightly. My heart started beating faster as a red tint fell upon my cheeks. I heard you amazing laugh echo throughout the air at my reaction. I turned to face you trying to look mad at your handsome face with your infamous white quiff making you look like a TV show character. We both ended up laughing as you couldn't take the face I was pulling seriously, which I'm glad you didn't. You sit next to me, leaning as casually as possible on the tree behind not saying anything, waiting for me to say something,Anything to break the silence. I knew you knew that I wanted to talk about something serious but i wasn't ready yet.
Your hairs rise when they're close enough to feel their breath on your neck,
You noticed that ideas drawing so you not so subtly peered over my shoulder, with you hand on my arm. You were so close as the red tinting my cheeks grew darker. The hairs on my neck stood up due to the closeness as your breath fell steadily on my neck. It sounds stupid now but i could hear you smirking at the drawing. I looked at you and your gaze was holding so much curiousity and something else. You turned to face me, as you forgot how close we were, our lips brushed against eachothers for what felt like forever but sadly was only a split second.
You get a feeling in your stomach like its doing somersaults.
You jumped back slightly dues to the contact. I was really nervous at your reactions as I felt sick in my stomach. I looked back at my drawing pad, eyes widened slightly. I now couldn't bare to look at you as I didn't want to see your reaction. I obviously didn't mind what just happened but I do care about your next words that would come tumbling our of your mouth. You had a pained look in your eyes as you seemed to be struggling for the right words to say at this moment. If im honest I didn't either. I was tongue tied.
  "That wont happen again and if it disgusted you, Anyway what did you want to meet me here for?"
Your skin tingles when ever you make contact.
You placed an arm on my shoulder as a form of sympathy for the incident that happened seconds prior to this moment. A small blush tinted my cheeks once more due the the sudden contact between us.I wanted to say that it was okay and that I actually liked it but. You removed you hand, eventually running through your hair, getting it out of the way those eyes that I grew to love to this very day. This was it.
You stumble in your words as you feel like you can't say them right.
"Umm I-If I'm h-honest I lov- I mean liked it." I ran my hand through my hair slowly getting fustrated with myself."I mean it would be stupid if I liked it let alone loved I mean it was only for one secon-" My sentence was muffled by you placing a finger on my lips. As a bit for me to stop talking.
  "To tell you the truth I liked it aswell." You smiled and cupped my face with both of your hands. You leaned in and placed your lips upon mine. They were soft yet rough at the same time. I was absolute bliss. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me until he wanted to stop. Eventually we had to stop for air. Whilst catching our breath we put out foreheads together. I looked into your eyes and started laughing, I don't know why but it felt right and it took us this long to figure it out. You started joining in with my laughter soon enough. I believe what they say in the stories and I'm living one right now.


Im finally of Hiatus after a bit of time off and I feel alot better and I'm in the no writers block mindset so expect updates!
Also if you have any requests out them in the comments below!

At the moment im working on:

See you later!!
Pixel ♡

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