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Requested By: Erix_18
Warnings:Straight couple break up.

As each day goes by my feelings for grow stronger and stronger. As I see him...In my mind everything is on cloud nine when I am near him. Its so unbearably confusing as he never really talks to me as the days pass. Sure we know each others Civilian ID's but what difference does it make when the one you like hates you to Trigons banishment place and back.

The only problem is that I am dating the one and only infamous Louis Lane. Whom I have lost all romantic feelings towards,Its not her fault I swear its just that the spark we had when we started dating has...well gone, vanished said goodbye, well you get the idea anyway. But I don't know how to tell her that I no longer like her... well basically in how to break up with her and break her heart at the same time.

My thoughts and my constant pacing around the my room were interrupted by a reminder on my phone telling me I needed to get back home. Well here goes nothing. I thought as I Zeta beamed out of there on my way to break the news.

I never knew this could be nerve wracking.. I know,I know i am the superman im expected not to get scared. But I guess that is life for you everyone can be scared of something even the most stoic of people.As I walked into the tubes as I beamed a block away from our two floor apartment in metropolis and walked..towards the apartment block.Here we go...

-----at apartment----

"Hey Louis?"I called out not really expecting an answer. Just waiting a couple of seconds for a response as I got nervous I couldn't concentrate on anything.

"Yes Clark?"I heard a voice from upstairs as footsteps with each second that passed.

I sighed as I looked her in the eyes "Louis I have something to tell you" I said as I was tempted to break eye contact."I'm breaking up with you" I said finally looking down avoiding her gaze.

I heard her footsteps as she walked closer.As soon as they stopped her hand collided with my face.Physically it didn't hurt but emotionally it did.

I turned my head away along with the rest of my body as I walked back towards the door that I just came through.Gently reaching the handle as I stepped out and shut the door behind me. As soon as I did that I could hear sniffling and quiet sobs coming from the room I just left.As I left the building with a saddened expression on my face.

I ran at a humanely speed out of the building at went back to the Zeta tubes,I had tried to calm down as my throat felt as though it was clogged up as I tried to take deep breaths and to stop my heart from beating too fast.Eventually I calmed myself down as I walked through the Zeta tubes back to the watchtower.

As soon as I walked into the main room I saw him. The one I love. We locked eyes for a couple of seconds. But I turned away and walked quickly towards my room.

I was just looking through some footage at the Hall when I saw him speed walk with a look on his face that looked although tears were threatening to fall down his gorgeous face.

I wanted to follow Clark to comfort him but i knew he would push me away saying that's he's fine. Ugh screw it. I stood up and walked to the his room. I gently knocked waiting for a response.

"Can I come in?" I asked quietly waiting just waiting I knew he heard me as I heard shuffling in his room. The door opened slightly as I saw his face. His usually bright blue eyes looked more grey and were bloodshot as his face was red and puffy from crying. He opening to door fully motioning me to walk in.

He sat down on the bed as I sat down next to him. He leaned into me and started sobbing into my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around him for comfort. It was heartbreaking (Yes he does have a heart) to see him like this as he holds quiet a stoic exterior than his emotional interior. He pulled away and looked at me as if wanting to say something.

"I-I know you want to ask what is wrong. S-So ill tell you,I broke up with Louis" He sighed as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I broke up with her because I love someone else."

I nodded not knowing what to say as I made an exception with no hugging anyone rule as I pulled him into another hug wih no more words needed to be said as he fell asleep after crying himself into exhaustion. I layed him down on his bed as I covered him up as I had going to leave before he grabbed my arm. I looked back slightly shocked at he actions. His eyes were barely open as he mumbled something before i was pulled onto the bed, right next to him as he put an arm over my abdomen. Knowing he won't let me go I decided to relax and not long after I found his company rather peaceful as I was lured into a peaceful sleep.

-There you go another oneshot sorry it took so long.

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