JayDick: A Cat Person?

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Requested by:Family Member
Warnings:Jason was brought up by a gang after his family died. Jason is a Nekojin-cat person
Dick is a Ookamijin-Dog person not a werewolf.

It's been a while since it happened. Four hours to be exact. Driven out by the people who took care of me, but when they wanted me to steal but i couldnt and was kicked out of the home like I was a mistake and wasnt worth it.But knowing my fami- i mean my Ex-family they probably though I was dead but they wouldn't care I mean who could or would care for me. I'm me that is what's stopping people from caring about me or noticing me. Who would care for me, who would care for me Jason Todd.

The rain cascaded upon my back as I slowly trudged along the path not paying attention to my surroundings.As the rain muffled my hearing and everything was blurred out by the tears falling down my face, as I look around taking everything in.After readjusting my back pack and duffle bag that was place upon my shoulders as they were dragging me behind and they weighed me down.Making the walk harder with each step.

Eventually I found a dry alley way to stay in temporarily until I found myself a place to stay.I pulled my beanie over my ears a bit more to hide them from passers by making sure my tail was hidden and I tried to cover myself with my jacket. Hoping it would protect my slightly tanned already soaked through skin from the small daggers that fall from he sky piercing the skin with a sharp quick pain before leaving only to be replaced by another.

My breath was jagged as I tried to stay warm with he best of my efforts as I curled up in a ball in a way of preserving body heat.As each long minute passed my eyelids slowly got heavier, my sight was suddenly consumed in the darkness of a slumber known as sleep.As Rain still fell upon me on this dull Gotham night.

I was getting home from school from after staying for the mathematics club walked past building and more buildings not minding the heavy skin piercing downfall of rain, blocking out any negative thoughts or thoughts in general. Until I heard a quiet sniffling coming from an alley way.Me being the curious bastard I was decided to check it out.I peered around the corner only to find a boy around my age curled into a ball surrounded by two bags.Having an inside and physical battle to keep warm as sniffles were heard,His eyes were shut as he looked peaceful and content.I just couldn't leave him here by himself. Well I've got to do what I've got to do. I picked up my phone from my pocket and dialed a certain number.

"Hello,Master Richard what can I do to be of assistants?"My long term butler answered his traditional old-fashioned British accent showing through with his telephone voice.

"Can I have you pick me up please?I'm a--" I started to say only to be cut off.

"Of course young master,I already have your whereabouts."He finished as he hung up straight after he finished speaking. I sighed afterwards.As I walked over towards the boy as I picked him up in bridle style.As I used my jacket to cover him.Picking up his bags along with it. Saying this.He barely weighed anything.Then again us ookamijin are naturally strong compared to most humans.

After managing to hold him and his bags his beanie fell off when it slipped off in all the cerfuffle to reveal fluffy cat ears upon his head blending in with his ebony hair.

I eventually pick up the beanie only for him to gently stirr.Thank God he didn't wake up.What was unusual about this Nekojin is that whenever I make contact with him it feels like volts of electricity conduct between us.
It was as though fireworks were going off at every contact.It was amazing.As my wrist felt as though It was on fire no matter what I did when I held him. He nuzzled into me as I still held him waiting for Alfred to arrive. Something was familiar about him but i couldn't place a finger on it. I feel like i had seen him from somewhere.

After he arrived I opened the door and placed the bags inside and stepped down into the car well limosine but i don't like to boast about it. Being careful not to accidentally knock him I just left him in my Lap.

"And who is this unexpected guest?" He asked as he looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"A Friend." I responded confidently as I looked down at him to see that he had moved his head so it was hidden in the crook of my neck. I smiled slightly at the sight.

"Just A Friend" He said back countering What I had said previous. A red hint dusted itself upon my cheeks. I hadn't even spoken to the Person on my lap and I was already blushing about the mention of him. He is going to be the death of me. Along with Alfred obviously.

By the time we got to the Manor I was dozing off myself. I picked him up and walked into the Manor after saying thank you to Alfred and went straight up to my room. I managed to open the door with my elbow and walked in with him still in my arms and kicked the door shut.

I eventually placed him on my bed as I sat on the chair and just watched him. Sounds a bit dodgy but he looks peaceful and is now no longer shivering.  He stretched out and started curling up even more as he purred quietly due to the beds softness. I felt my eyelids getting heavier as I fell asleep on the chair thinking of him.

I woke up and high key panicked where am I? I stepped off the super comfortable bed to only hear footsteps coming this way as I headed straight back to the bed and under the covers. I could hear the door open as I soft footsteps patterned on the floor. I felt a hand gently shake my shoulders. As I peered over the duvet only to see one of the hottest men I've even seen. Well this is going to be interesting for me and him. Let's just hope I can find out who this pretty boy is......

Another chapter so here you go I'm working on the requested chapters as this is a oneshot that I've been working on so here you go.

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