HalBarry: The Marriage

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Civillian AU
Barry Pov.
My heart was beating so fast, like the speed of light. I started adjusting my tie, the constant nagging in my head that it didn't look right, aswell as everything else. I feel like I'm nervous for all the wrong reasons. I probably am.
The thoughts in my head were running wild;does my hair, suit and shoes luck okay? Do I deserve this? Does he deserve to marry the mistake I am? My feet carried me around the room in a constant circle, surprising myself how I haven't knocked into anything yet. I just can't believe today is that day that I get married to to the love of my life.Trying to slow down my nearly panicked breathing state, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I quickly stopped in my tracks turning my head around, only to see Bruce." I hope your not messing up your suit with all that pacing" he spoke in a teasing manner trying to relieve my nervousness.I let out a sigh of relief, as a small grin appeared on my face as I shook my head in response. As I fully turned to face him. He looked me over as he dusted off my suit, hoping it will get rid of any creases whilst he's at it. A small smile appeared on my face, once again, holding in a small laugh at his antics. He's always been the silent,brooding, perfectionist type. As he finished adjusting my tie, he stepped back looking proud at his work. A rare smile stretched across his face. He patted my shoulder as he walked out giving me more time to myself,whilst signalling that I'd be going out in five minutes.
I closed my eyes taking a deep breath as I opened the, slightly heavier than expected oaken door. I stumbled towards my father, as I hadn't seen the step down, landing face first upon the floor, causing my father to burst out laughing at my antics. Scowling at his reactions I started getting up to see my father holding out his hand to help me, gratefully taking his hand as he pulled me up, eventually linking my arm with my father's as the music starts. You turned to look at me, a glisten in your eyes shone in the light as you held contentment in your eyes. Your suit fitted perfectly and in all the right places. As I saw Clark stood behind you and Bruce opposite Clark both looking at one another, glad to be here. The music started playing as I slowly sauntered down the aisle, trying not to trip over anything else, whilst my gaze was on the floor, I heard a soft laugh, I looked upwards to see you looking at me with a smile, key word trying, you were trying to hold on another laugh at my actions.
    Once I reached your side we faced the vicar, he started his usual speech. Before he could start the vows, you interrupted by coughing slightly. I looked at you with confusion as you started to pull a piece of paper out of your pocket, only to place it back inside. You clasped my hands within yours as I looks into your eyes as you started speaking your vows.
  "Barry,I've known you for as long as I can remember. I remember when we were neighbours and we pretended to get married, If only we knew that would become true. I remember when I fell in love with you, that night you came to our dorms in college only to see me in tears on my bed, i probably looked an absolute mess, you took care of me the whole night, not asking what happened. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you,  you are my past, my present and my future and I hope you'll become mine."
At the end a small tear rolled down my face and said I do, not realising the vicar wanted my vows, you coughed at met my gaze once again and motioned for me to 'read' my vows. I wiped away the year and started.
"Well I didn't realised we were doing our own vows, but um glad we are as I can say what I needed to say. You Hal Jordon are the light of my life and you made me who I am today, you made the the man no one else could. I'm so proud of what you've achieved. I can't wait to call you my husband and for you to spend enternity putting up with me".
I looked back at him as I saw a couple of manly tears shed from his eyes. After that we both said I do. Silver rings upon each others hands, for as long as we live, as we sealed it with a kiss that we've been longing for since the day started, the kiss that was our first as husbands. The kisswas long and sweet as we pulled away for air, his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck, he leant down towards my ear and whispered.
"I love you, but thank god you didn't wear a dress"

Hello people,
Hope you found this enjoyable.
It was different for me to write without any conflict in it.
Have fun reading


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