author's note

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a u t h o r ' s   n o t e :

Hey my readers! It's me maadzzm, just here to say I've had the idea of another story. Now I don't know if this type of story has been done before and if it has I'm sorry and hopefully mine is different. I came up with this idea all on my own while I was taking out my trash. I know, some inspiration right. But I fell in love with the idea and I hope you guys do too.

so without anymore hesitation i present to you... *insert drum roll here*  WHEN TIME STOPS. *jazz hands*

alright anyways i really do hope you enjoy the story so continue to read on.

now i'll only update every now and then because i have to keep my schedule with my book Rays of Sunshine for every Wednesday but sometimes this will be posted just for fun.

ALSO the no capitalization thing is intentional in this story.

- m a a d z z m

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