page 4: the third time.

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these moments are what keep me awake at night. i just keep replaying them in my head, because in all honesty, i never want to forget them ever, they mean to much to me to let go.

it was freshman year of high school. we were in the same english class and our teacher, mrs. huff, told us of a project due that friday. she decided to choose our partners and low and behold my parter was you, ethan thomas.

my feelings for you started to die down that last summer but for some reason my heart decided to get the best of me and start beating a little bit faster at the thought of us finally speaking again. it had been so long since, i missed our chats.

we got together in class and decided to do the project at your house that night and truthfully i was excited.

that night i decided to maybe look nicer than i usually did, like that day in third grade, i brushed my long blonde hair and add a bit of makeup to hopefully impress you. when i showed up at your house you opened the door, sucked in a breath, and just stared. this wasn't one of those moments for me, but was it one for you?

"hi," i smiled at you but you still stared straight into my eyes then they roamed over my face. "ethan?"

you then stood up straighter and looked at me, "oh, uh, sorry. come in." you led me in and into the den of your house where you said we could work. working with you was fine, we seemed to be a great team working well together. we took a break half way through and i decided to speak to you, "so how have you been."

you turned and stared at me with your bright blue eyes not saying anything and i couldn't help but feel annoyed by it. that's all you ever did. you always stared, you barely talked to me at times. i wondered if there was something wrong with my face, so i asked, "ethan, why do you keep staring at me like that?"

that seemed to break you out of your trance and you turned away a bit red. "i-uh..." you trailed off.

i looked at you and you stared at the project avoiding all eye contact with me. it was becoming to quiet for my liking, "so, about that weather..."

you turned to me and chuckled and i bit my lip in embarrassment. your eyes grew a tad wider and you quickly spoke, "don't do that."

"what?" i questioned. "why not?"

"cause i just- just cause."

i raised an eyebrow and stared at you and you started staring back, your hair falling in front of your eyes. out of instinct, i reached out to move it out of your face but your hand grabbed my arm, startling me. and just like that the moment started happening again. the world stopped when your lips came crashing onto mine. when our lips touched it was electric. i seemed to get lost in the moment. kissing you was the best thing i'd ever experienced in my life. i felt so alive. i felt like the moment could never end, that we were frozen in time, but it had to. we needed oxygen.

as soon as you broke the kiss and leaned your head against mine i heard the slight whisper of you saying, "wow" and that made my heart giddy and pick up pace. i wanted it to last forever, i loved that feeling of time stopping with you. it only happened with you.

and ethan, don't lie, i know you felt it too.

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