page 5: the forth time.

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you ignored me after the night we kissed ethan thomas. i don't know why. you refused to look at me. you refused to speak to me. what did i do? i never recalled doing anything wrong at the time. so in the end, i concluded it was you, you were the problem.

that one pause in time made me feel alive. but it scared you didn't it? did it ever occur to you that maybe fear is what makes us feel truly alive? it's what makes us human.

that night i came home thinking everything would be perfect the next day. you'd smile at me, talk to me, hang out with me, which would eventually lead you to asking me out. that didn't happen, it made me sad but angry with you for being such a coward to admit your feelings, if there were any at all.

as those days passed by all i could think about was that moment. a moment so perfect, but a moment wasted nonetheless. so i moved on, forgetting about my little crush on you, ethan thomas.

i moved on to bigger, better things over those years of high school rather than moping around. college, for example, was just around the corner and so i applied to my dream school, hoping i'd get in.

it wasn't long before i finally got that letter with the school's logo on it. my heart was beating in my chest and my parents sat there in front of me waiting to receive an answer. as i took out that piece of paper i forgot how to breath. i held my breath as i gently unfolded it and read the printed words.

it was that moment again. time froze once again and i looked at that paper rereading it over and over again making sure that it was real. that what i was reading wasn't a joke. time started once again as my mother looked at me anxiously, "gen, what does it say?" i looked up at her and nodded excitedly.

my mother squealed and grabbed onto my father while saying, "our genevieve! oh my baby i'm so proud of you!" she then proceeded to cup my cheeks and kiss my forehead repeatedly.

"thanks mom," i mumbled under her hold. that day was one of the happiest i'd been in a while, all thanks to you, ethan thomas.

i know you didn't feel it. you weren't there. that was the first time i felt that way without you. and truthfully, it felt good.

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