page 12: the eleventh time.

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i think out of all the days i've had in my life this one was by far my favorite. my most memorable. i was so nervous, i get nervous just thinking about it. now is a better time than ever to be honest in these letters i'm writing you, ethan thomas. maybe it's not even a secret to you, but i never told you that even then i still got nervous when i saw you.

i remember every part of that day. it was a beautiful autumn day. it wasn't too hot or too cold. i was standing in the mirror looking at myself in that dress. god, it was a beautiful dress, i could believe it was mine really. it was simple yet elegant with a sweetheart neckline and lace embellishments with a small jeweled belt.

"oh, genevieve my darling," my mom cried behind me.

i gave a soft smile and hugged her, "oh mom, you're so dramatic."

she gave me a choked up laugh, "it's not everyday you get to see your daughter getting married."

"i'm the one getting married mom and i'm doing just fine." i smiled as i rubbed her shoulder.

"you can't hide that from me young lady, i know deep down your nervous and excited, i know you love ethan and i know he loves you. i see it every time he looks at you honey, it's like you're all that matters to him."

i felt my eyes starting to well up and i quickly started fanning my face, "mom you're going to make me cry and my makeup is going to run and that's not what i want."

my mother gave me a soft smile and cupped my cheeks, "i'm just so happy for you genevieve."

i leaned forward to give her a hug but she quickly backed away. "nu-uh-uh. no wrinkling the dress."

i rolled my eyes then heard a knock on the door and looked over to see my father peeking his head through the open door. he took a breath for a second and then whispered, "it's time."

and just like that my stomach exploded with butterflies.

i was getting married. to no one other than you, ethan thomas.

my mother quickly ushered me out the door and in front of the chapel doors. i took a breath and turned to my father as i slipped my arm through his and smiled to him. his eyes were watering and broke my heart to see that but i knew that it was from happiness. my mother quickly slipped on my veil and nodded in approval.

the doors opened and the wedding march began to play as everyone stood up and looked at me. it was a small wedding with really only our closest friends and family invited. i really thought that with everyone looked at me i'd only be able to see their stares. but i was wrong because that's when it happened.

time froze again. it wasn't like before, how it would come in like a comet at top speed, but rather it gradually come upon me until everything in my mind seemed frozen as i only looked at you and you only looked at me. i didn't even realize i was walking closer to you until i could see tears in your eyes and that made me want to cry too. when i finally made it to the alter my father gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and went to go sit down with my mother.

and i stood in front of you and gave a smile which you returned and then we both turned to the priest before us as he started the ceremony. i never quite realized how long these ceremonies really were until that day. it seemed like forever until he then turned to you and said, "may these rings be blessed as a symbol of your union. as often as either of you look upon these rings, may you not only be reminded of this moment, but also of the vows you have made and the strength of your commitment to each other. ethan, i understand you've prepared your own vows?"

you nodded and turned to me while taking a deep breath. "um, this may start off weird but eventually you'll see where i went with this gen." you coughed and took a piece of paper out of your pocket and unfolded it and began to read," time is just a concept created by the human mind to somehow calm ourselves--to organize our lives better. but there are times when i think time is real, a real something--what that something is i'm not quite sure but i like to believe it has a working mind of its own and it works with the other forces of life. you can call those other forces destiny or fate or any other name, but they work together in harmony, that has become clear to me. it has also come clear to me that maybe we were destined to meet, destined to be together. i laughed the first time i thought of this because i didn't believe in any of it. but then when i really thought about how you had disappeared and left my life and i didn't seem to care then but fate has a funny way of doing things in life and when i saw you again in that small cafe i knew i couldn't let you go again. my scariest thought is that i wouldn't have even cared about you had it not been for time, oh how i loved time--i thank it almost everyday. it was time that made me think of you, it was time that, well, stopped time almost every time i saw you or touched you. it was time that brought us together and i can't thank it enough for that because i don't know who or where i'd be without you in my life and honestly i don't ever want to find out because i love you with every part of my soul. i love your soul genevieve, it's so beautiful and kind, and maybe it's selfish of me wanting to keep it to myself but i don't care because you're all i really need."

basically by this time i was balling as you would have noticed. i don't even remember what the priest said after that all i remember in one quick flash i said my vows and said "i do" and then kissed you and then finally becoming married to you.

it's a day i can't ever forget because ethan, everything you said in those vows was true for me too. i loved time because it led me straight to you and you were all i could have ever wanted.

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wow look at that. i'm crying again. all this dang story does is make me cry and wish i had someone to love. dammit.

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