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Lealiana POV

I wake up in a room I didn't recognize. I hear someone moaning like they were in pain. I follow the noise next door and to my shock it was Jasmine and she was tied up. Her eyes were still closed it sounds like she's having a nightmare.

After untying I start to shake her. "Jasmine wakes up," I whispered in her ear not wanting anyone to here use.

"Lealiana I don't want to go in there. I'm scared to let's go back home before mum and dad find out that we left out the house without a word. I can't afford to get in any more trouble," I heard her.

I just watched her as she kept on tossing and turning. "You have to wake up. We need to get out of this place," still whispering.

I cover her mouth, then I punch her. Her eyes open up and she looks like she's going to kill me. I mouth I'm sorry and move hands from her mouth

"Why did you do that for," she asked rubbing her arm.

"Well, I had to wake you up somehow," I said stepping away from. I wasn't sure if she would attach me to the last time and I sure didn't want to find out.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you for pinching me. Did I have a bad dream or something," she asked?

I nodded my head.

"Did you remember that pinching me would wake me up and that's why you did it? I remember when we were little and we used to sleep at each other's place and I would have those dreams of watch we say and you would always pinch me to wake me up," she said sitting up.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember any of that stuff let alone you," I said.

"Where are we," she asked?

"I don't know I thought you would know," I said.

"Last thing I remember is getting this call. The person said to meet them at this address and they can help you get your memory back. When James and I got there they had me go into this room and had to wait in the lobby. It was some doctors office. Ana I would do anything to help you get your memory back," she said.

"Then what happened next," I asked.

"Well, I walk in the room and them next thing I remember is waking up here and you pinching me," she said.

She must really care for her well being if she was willing to help me get my memory back. What I want to know is why someone is out to get me. Does someone not want me to remember something? What happened in my past that someone wants to kill me for?

"Has anyone ever tried to hurt you before the day you saw me," I asked?

"Now that you mention. I've always thought I was being followed and watched. This was before you disappeared. After you were gone and I couldn't find you. It started to get worse. I've almost been run off the road many times. That's one reason why James always has a bodyguard with me when he's not around," she said.

"That dream you were having what's that all about," I asked.

"To be honest I really remember. All I know is it started when we were 14. When I wake I I've never remembered," she said.

"We have to find a way to get out of here. I'm starting to believe you now. I must know you from before my accident," I said.

"What accident," she asked?

"I'll tell you all about that once we get out of her," I said trying to open the window. I wanted to go out the door but wasn't sure where that would lead us too.

"Do you even know what you're doing," she asked?

"All I know is that we need to get out of here," I said with a smile across my face. I climbed out and waited for her to follow.

I looked around my surrounding why did this place look so familiar. Oh no, how did I get back here? I thought to myself.

"I've been here before," I said.

"When were you here," she asked when she made it out the window.

"After the accident and I escaped the same way. I know where to go next," I said grabbing her hand.

"Where are we going," she asked?

"Do you want to stay here and find out what they want with us or did you want to get to a safe location," I said

"Safe location," she said following me again.

"Just to let you know it's going to be a long walk for us to get there. Don't ask any more questions until we're far away from here," I said.

"Okay," was her response.
Liam POV

It's only been a few hours since the girls have been gone. I can't believe I let this happened. How stupid I could I be to think that the call I got a few days ago was someone willing to help her get her memory back. After finding out from the nurse that we rescued that the doctor never called us for that appointment.

"What are we going to do how are we going to find the girls," James said pacing back and forth in my office.

"I'm trying to think of something right now," I said. I know he's starting to get on my last nerves. How can something think with him pacing like that?

"I should have realized that something was up when we got that call the other day. But no I let Jasmine talk me into taking her to that place to help Lealiana. If we didn't tell any that we found her then how did this doctor know that she was found let alone lost her memory? But no I put that aside and listened to my wife and took her to that place and now I could lose her," he stopped pacing and took a seat. Head down on my desk. I haven't seen him this down since grade school and he failed a test and was afraid his dad was going to beat him.

"What phone call and when did you guys get it," I asked?

"Did you know Jasmine is pregnant and she didn't want to saw anything until Lealiana got her memory back. She wanted to share the good news with her best friend that way she wanted to do this for her. I could lose my family just because Jasmine was being selfless and wanted to get her friend back," he looked up and there were tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry! I promise you that we'll find the girls and bring them home and safe. Let's start with the phone call you got. Do you still have the number? That could be our lead in finding the girls. Show me that numer that called you?" He located that number on his phone and passed it to me.

"We should be hearing something soon from my investigator. I sent him that number you just gave me and he'll find a way of finding out where that number came from or who it belongs to. I don't ask him questions just as long as he gets it done that's all that matters to me. Until then let's go do our own search," I said grabbing my keys.

I just hope wherever they are their safe.

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