Chapter 5

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Melvin was at Ariel's house working on his essay. Ariel was explaining everything to him and he was taking notes. Mr. Krupp walked in her room and saw Melvin. Angelina walked in too and the teens looked at them.

"Oh hi mom. Hi dad. I'm just helping Melvin with his essay. What do you guys need?"

"We just wanted to see if Melvin was staying for dinner since we alreay have Harold coming over. Would you like to Melvin?"

Melvin smiled a little, "Sure I guess. I'll just tell my mom that I stayed for dinner over here."

Ariel smiled as her parents left and went back to helping Melvin. "Okay, what was Master Splinters back story?"

Melvin scratched his head in thought as Ariel took his notes from him. "He was once human who loved in Japan with his wife Tang Shen and was forced to move to America because Oroku Saki made him? And he also had Miwa, but she was taken away from him?"

"That's right!"

"Yes! I just might pull this off!"

"You have the best tmnt nerd in the world for your friend Mel, what do you expect?"

"Very funny dork."

"Ariel!! Harold is here!! Dinner is also ready!!" Angelina called up.

"Time to go and eat."

Melvin and Ariel run downstairs and see Meatloaf. Ariel hugged her mom and Angelina laughed. Harold taps her shoulder and Ariel turns around.

"What about me?"

"I've saved some hugs for you too."

Mr. Krupp had felt like he should do something, but he ksut looked at his paper on calm down. Melvin was shocked and walked over to Ariel. He held his hand out for their secret handshake. Harold watched and felt confused. Ariel saw Harold and chuckled.

"It's just our secret handshake Harold. We do it all the time."

"Ariel and I came up with it 3 years ago."

Angelina put everyones plates on the table. It was time to eat. During dinner Harold and Melvin had made jokes and evertone was laughing except Mr. Krupp. Mr. Krupp actually smiled at one of Harold's jokes, which shocked him. Ariel was stuff and leaned back in her chair.

"Dinner was great mom. Love ya!"

"Dinner was good Angelina." Melvin and Harold say in unison, "Thank you."

"Anything for my daughters boyfriend and friends."

Mr. Krupp had took care of his plate and started washing his dishes. Angelina rolled her eyes. "You kids go and have fun. And Ariel be back by midnight, unless you're sleeping over at AJ's house."

"Okay mom."

Harold had waited for Melvin and Ariel to get their stuff. The three had started running around the block laughing. Ariel wasn't the fastest and tripped. "Ow!"

Melvin turned around and saw Ariel. He helped her up. "Are you ok?"

"I'm all right." Ariel thought about what AJ had said about telling Harold and Melvin.

"Boys I have to tell you something important and please don't get mad. You know the Phantom Sisters.... I am uh.... I'm one of them...." She whispered.

Harold and Melvin look at eachother with their eyes wide. Ariel was waiting for some type of reaction. Something! They just give her blank looks. She was afraid that they were mad and she got ready to cry and started running to AJ's house.

"Ari wait!! I'm not mad!!" Harold started running after her and Melvin followed. As Melvin was following Harold, he saw a girl. A beautiful girl.

The girl had black hair with green highlights. She also had brown eyes. Melvin was to busy staring to see that Harold was gone. He walked over to her and got nervous. "H-hello. I'm Melvin, and y-you are?"

"I'm Emily. You may call me Em if you want. Did you nedd something?" She asked blushing slightly.

"No, I uh..... I'll just go.... See you around!!!" He ran off and felt so humiliated.

~At AJ's House~

George was playing videogames with Trey and Bobby while AJ watched. Her parents were out getting some things for the house. She heard the door bell ring and went to answer it. Ariel was standing there, almost crying.

"What happened Fluttershy?" AJ asked as she dragged her in.

"Remember you said to tell Harold I was one of the Phantom sisters?"


"He had looked sad and mad so I ran away from him and I think he followed me. Can you tell him I'm not here?"

"Ariel, I bet he feels sorry. George had accepted me being a phantom sister. He already kmows that you're the ohter one."



Ariel smiled as Harold stood at the door with Melvin behind him. "Ari...."

Ariel hugged him and he hugged back. Mission accomplished AJ thought and laughed. Melvin had saw it and rolled his eyes. "Want some Melvin?" She cracked her knuckles and Melvin said, "No."

~With May~

She was checking her invention. Her father was pretty impressed with it. It was a tall robot that had a beam for draining rhythm or music and singing out of everyone and their happiness. Poppypants had smiled and was so happy.

"That's my girl. Who's life are you gonna use this on?"

"Ariel Krupp." May said evily and crushed a can with her hand.

"Just you wait Ariel..... you'll know what it's like to be a mindless zombie who doesn't know happiness. Then you'll be a whole lot better."

Poppypants had told his daughter to get to bed. It was gonna be a long day for her tomorrow. Hopefully Harold is gonna be prepared for this. So are the rest. This is something that even the Phantom Sisters can't stop.

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