Chapter 9

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It has been 2 weeks since the incident with May. Her robot was destroyed and she had got punished by her father. The police couldn't do anything since she didn't murder anyone and was supposed to stay home. Ariel and Harold had been doing better and so have George and AJ. Ariel had told everything to her mom and dad about being one of the Phantom sisters and was grounded for 1 week for not telling them and putting her life on the line, by her dad (Angelina was fine with it but just concerned and a bit disappointed). Everything has been just fine for the past 2 weeks.

Harold and Ariel were walking around their block and Harold was listening to Ariel sing. He loved it. Ariel stopped singing and sighed.

"What's wrong Ari?"

"It's just....."

"Just... what?"

"I feel bad for May."

"Why?! She tried to kill you!!! I wouldn't trust her ever again!!"

"Harold, she used to be my friend!!! How would you feel if George tried to kill you?!" She was getting mad and she ran away from him.

Harold watched and his eyes widen. He knew he pushed her to much this time and ran after her. "Ariel wait!" He called as he ran after her.

Ariel stopped and turned around. "What Harold?!"

Harold stopped when he got to her and stayed silent for a second. "I'm sorry."

"I forgive you. Just stop pushing me like that. You know I'm sensitive."

"I won't push you around like that anymore." Harold hugged her and she hugged back.

"Hey Ari, let's see if Melvin needs some help with his invention."

Ariel looked up at her boyfriend and smiled. "Okay."

Ariel and Harold run off to Melvin's house to go and visit.

~With George and AJ~

George and AJ were at the arcade playing some games. They both were trying to beat each other and it was pretty cool since George was going easy on her. AJ tried to beat George on time, but he had killed her before she could kill him.

George chuckled and looked at her. "You're getting better AJ."

"I know! I almost had ya."

"Wanna go or stay for a little longer?"

"I wanna go. We've been here for 3 hours and I feel like I'm gonna die of boredom."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

AJ glared at him, but laughed at the face he was making. "Ariel is right. You are a knucklehead."

George had rolled his eyes and laughed. "She is a pain."

"To you. She's really not, but since you get on her fun side she's a pain. Especially when she's hyper!"

"Yeah we can't forget that."

They both leave the arcade and both start walking to the treehouse.

~At May's house~

May was laying on her bed in her room staring at the ceiling. She had felt bad for trying to hurt Ariel. Ariel had fear in her eyes when May had reavealed herself. May had remembered when her and Ariel entered those Just Dance competions and singing ones. Her father walked in and sat by her.

"Are you alright?"

"No. I'll be fine though."

"I'm going down to the lab. You're dinner is also ready in the kitchen." He left and went to his labratory.

Poopypants had took some of May's DNA and did a scan on it. His computer had showed pictures of her family. He sighed remembering when he took her in. She was just a baby. Poopypants had went to his room forgetting to turn his computer off. May had went in the lab and saw her dad's computer still on.

"Dad?" She shrugged and looks at her dads computer. When she saw the picture of her real family she gasped. "How am I their daughter?!"

May had went and packed her stuff. May was gonna find her real family and not be lied to anymore. She dropped a picture of her and Poopypants by accident and left.

~Back to Melvin's house~

Ariel and Harold had been helping Melvin and Ariana with his latest invention. It was big so he needed some help. Ariana and Ariel were just talking about their boyfriends.

"So Ariana how long have you known Melvin?"

"For 12 years."

"And counting..." Added Melvin while chuckling.

"Ya know. I'm glad Melvin found a sense of humor. It's good to have one and it doesn't make you a complete nerd." Harold said and looked at Melvin.

"Well you guys helped me..... if I hadn't had help from you guys. I wouldn't have found one."

"Really?" Ariel asked.


Ariana rolled her eyes and we back to reading her Percy Jackson book.

~Back with George and AJ~ (I know it's annoying, I'm sorry)

AJ had saw May and then tapped George and pointed to her. May and saw them and walked over. George put an arm infront of AJ.

"What do you want May?"

"I want to apologize for what I did."

"Yeah right! How can we trust you?!" AJ said.

"Well if you take a sample of my blood I'm not really Poopypants's daughter!!"

George had looked at AJ and Aj just crossed her arms and thought of something. "Lets take her to Melvin he should know."

George nods and then they all go off to Melvin's house. AJ wanted to see who she was related to. If she was related to her then she'd be shocked and faint most likely. They'll just have to see to find out for sure or not.

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