Neutron Star Collision (1)

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Noah stepped out of the car with his backpack hanging off his shoulder. He looked at the white 2 story house that still looked the same from when he would visit when he was younger. Bella, his younger sister, got out of the front seat looking at the house as well.

"Well," Charlie said lifting Bella's other bags for her "Let's get you both settled in."

Noah nodded grabbing his bags. He glanced at Bella as they walked up to the house behind Charlie.

As he stepped into the house he looked around. The walls by the entrance were a light tan looking color that had some decorations on them. An archway showed the living room where the rest of the walls were a light blue. There were two couches and a tv. Across from the living room lead to the kitchen.

"Your rooms are upstairs. They are still the same, but you both can change them if you want." Charlie said carrying Bella's other bags up.

Noah walked passed Charlie's and Bella's room into his. He set his bags down and looked around. Still the same it was except for the full size bed that was against the wall. Drawings he drew when he was a child stayed on his grey wall. A box of what he assumed contained his old toys sat by his desk.

He heard Bella shuffling around in her room probably settling in. Noah began to unpack putting things in his closet and drawers.

By the time he was done it was dark out. Noah decided it was the best idea to go to bed early to be ready for school tomorrow. Stripping down to his boxers he crawled into his bed sighing. His head filled with thoughts of how school would be tomorrow and being the new kid.

"Home sweet home I guess." Noah muttered to himself before sleep finally consumed him.

That is a wrap on the first chapter of this story. What do you all think? I feel like I could've been more descriptive, but eh. This chapter was more of a introduction mostly starting things off. If you have any questions that you would like to ask me feel free to comment. If you enjoyed this chapter press that voting star.

Neutron Star Collision ~ Rosalie Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now