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"Noah Swan."

Noah smiled as he walked up the stairs his graduation gown swishing as he did. He looked out and saw his dad, mom, and Bella standing and cheering. He shook the principle hand grabbing his diploma. He turned to look at the camera smiling before walking off. He saw Rosalie in her seat smiling at him.

He got to his chair moving his tassel to the right side. Finally, after 12 years of learning he was done. He wasn't even sure if he was going to go to college still, but as of right now he planned to spend time with Rosalie.

"And now will the graduates please stand up." The principle announced making every graduate stand up.

"Congratulations class of 2009 you have officially graduated!" The principal announced making everyone cheer and throw their caps into the air.

Noah walked outside trying to spot his family. He spotted the back of his dad's head and walked towards him.

"There's my little graduate!" Renée smiled hugging Noah tightly as soon as she saw him. She moved back pulling out a camera. "Picture time!"

Noah wrapped his arm around Bella shoulder while holding his diploma in the other. Charlie wrapped and arm around Noah's shoulder smiling at the camera.

"Congrats son. I'm very proud of you." Charlie said once the picture was taken.

"Thanks dad. Now Bella is the next one." Noah said looking down at Bella.

"Now Charlie take the next picture and that'll be the last one." Renée said pushing the camera into Charlie's hand.

"Why do we need to do this now?"Noah asked sighing as he smiled at the camera.

"For the memories, Noah. You don't get another chance to graduate from high school again." Renée said as she took the camera from Charlie.

Noah and Bella looked at each other with a knowing look. Right, you don't get to graduate high school again unless you are a certain group a vampires.

"Alice wanted me to tell you they planned a graduation party for you at their house." Bella told him as they followed Charlie to his cruiser.

"What, but I had something else planned." Noah said wondering why Alice didn't let him know before unless she knew what he had planned.

"I don't know, but she insisted you have to come. Rosalie will pick you up to bring you." Bella said as she walked to the other side of the car and entered the backseat.

"Right." Noah sighed as he got into the car.


"Why are you acting so nervous, it's just a graduation party. It'll just be the family and your sister." Rosalie said taking a picture of him.

Noah brought her out to the clearing before they left to the party

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Noah brought her out to the clearing before they left to the party. He wanted to spend some time with her since he didn't yesterday and earlier today.

"I don't know, I'm just hoping their isn't any gifts there for me." Noah said stopping and looking out the little pond.

He had this thought for a while and hadn't actually planned on carrying it out. Edward found out one night which made Noah pissed, but it actually made a little bit easier. Edward supported his plan and helped him out just a little with it. Now today was the day to tell Rosalie about his plan.

"Rosalie," Noah said turning to face her. "I have something to tell you."

Rosalie raised her eyebrow at him and walked towards him. "What is it?"

"You see I had this thought after prom was over. At first I thought it was a bit ridiculous, but it kept popping into my head. The more I thought of it, the more the thought sounded brilliant. I began to plan it out and with Edward's help we finished the plan." Noah explained taking a deep breath. Rosalie looked at him confused.

"So, what's the plan?" Rosalie asked making him smile a little bit.

"I was just about to let you know." Noah said grabbing her hands.

"Rosalie, when you told me about how you were turned I was mad. Mad that this guy would ever do that to the woman that was going to become his wife. Times may have been different back then, but I do know one thing." Noah exhaled and looked into her eyes, "If I was to ever become your fiancé, I will treat you better than Royce ever did."

Rosalie nodded slowly smiling softly, "I know that Noah, but does that have to do with your plan?"

Noah sighed letting go of her hands. He slowly reached for his pocket as he started to kneel down in front of her. He heard her gasp when he pulled out a small black box out of his pocket. He looked up into her gold eyes that were widen with shock.

"Rosalie Hale, would you give me the honor to marry you?"

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the end of the first story! I had this ending planned for a while and I was so excited to finally getting to write it. I know it may seem like it's fast, but trust me I have plans.

Thank you to everyone who read this book and I hope y'all will be excited for the next one. I will post something to let you guys know when I posted the second book.


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