Neutron Star Collision (6)

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"Woah." Noah breathed out as he looked the house that Rosalie pulled up to.

The house was in a secluded area surrounded with trees. At the base of the house it was a dark grey stone. On the second story it was a light color wood with lots of windows. There was a deck as well. The next level was the same grey stone that also had lots of windows. All in all, it was a very beautiful house.

"I'm sure my mother would be very pleased that you like our house." Rosalie smiled before opening the car door and stepping out. Noah followed after her quickly taking off his seat belt and exiting the car.

Rosalie grabbed his hand and rubbed his arm soothingly before leading him towards the front door. When they stepped through Noah saw that a stair case that lead to the main area of the house. Rosalie lead him up the stairs where he heard talking and the television on.

 Rosalie lead him up the stairs where he heard talking and the television on

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Noah turned a corner and saw Dr. Cullen and a woman he assumed was Mrs. Cullen looking up from whatever they were cooking, and where smiling at him. Emmett leaning on the counter smirking at him and Rosalie.

"Noah this is my mother, Esme, my father Carlisle - you two already met-," Rosalie added glancing up at him before continuing, "and my brother, Emmett."

"Pleased to meet you." Noah greeted nodding at them.

"Noah we are making Italiano you and Bella." Esme said stepping away from the counter and moving close.

"Oh grazie." Noah smiled smiling at her glad that he didn't eat anything before coming here.

"Parli Italiano?" Esme asked after he thanked her in Italian.

"Si, so parlare Italiano." Noah answered putting his hands in his front pockets.

"Molto bene." Esme smiled nodding at his response.

"Hey, I don't speak Italian, so can we go back to English." Emmett commented making Noah laugh a little. Rosalie rolled her eyes watching Noah talk to Esme and Carlisle.

"You and Bella finally have given us an excuse to use our kitchen." Carlisle commented finishing washing his hands.

"I hope you are hungry." Esme said which made Noah nod quickly not wanting to displease her.

"Yeah I am. I haven't eaten anything besides breakfast." Noah said making Esme smile again before she turned back to continue cooking.

"Let's go find Alice and Jasper, so they can meet you." Rosalie said pulling him away from the kitchen. Noah waved at the three before turning to follow Rosalie.

"He seems like a sweet boy." Esme commented as they walked away making Carlisle smile and Emmett to laugh.


After meeting Alice and Jasper they went back into the kitchen to help with the food. Rosalie was holding the salad bowl while Noah helped Emmett mix the salad.

Neutron Star Collision ~ Rosalie Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now