Neutron Star Collision (2)

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Photography was one of Noah's passion along with music. Noah was able to capture the beauty of things with his camera, and play the feelings on his guitar.

Noah sat in his guitar class strumming his guitar. So far he and Bella both met Eric before separating and heading to class. He had some small talk with some people he sat with in his class, but nothing to the point where they would be the best of friends.

"Wow you really know how to play the guitar!" A girl said walking over to listen to him play

Noah looked up from his guitar and turned his head towards her. She had brown hair that went passed her shoulders a bit with a brown hair band on her head. She was wearing a pink long sleeve shirt and a necklace.

"Oh thanks." Noah smiled a bit glancing down at his guitar.

"I'm horrible at playing guitar, like really bad." She said emphasizing on how bad she is.

Noah stared at her in confusion. "Then why are you in guitar class?"

She seemed to have ignored what he said and carried on talking.

"My name is Jessica by the way, you're Noah right?" Jessica asked staring at him.

"Uh, yeah, I'm Noah." Noah nodded deciding to put his guitar away before the bell rang.

She began to ask him questions about his old school and whether he had any where to sit at for lunch. When the bell rang he headed to his next class questioning if he should have agreed to sit with Jessica at lunch.


Noah walked into the lunch room walking to the lunch line to grab his food. He looked around looking for Bella and then for Jessica. He spotted Bella sitting with Jessica and other people. He walked towards them.

"Hello Bella, Jessica." Noah greeted setting his tray down next to Bella taking off his backpack and setting it next to his chair.

"Hi Noah." Bella smiled at him happy that her older brother was with her.

"Noah this is Angela, next to her is Eric, and next to him is Mike." Jessica introduced him to the others.

"We've met each other in the morning Jessica." Eric told Jessica before smiling at Noah.

"It's nice to meet you Noah." Angela said smiling at him.

"So you and Bella know each other?" Mike asked not realizing that they were siblings.

Noah stared at him in confusion, "She's my younger sister."

Mike's eyes widen before looking away in embarrassment. Jessica laughed awkwardly looking at Mike.

Noah began eating not paying attention to the conversation at the table. All he knew was that Eric left after Angela said something and Mike was chasing after this guy who kissed his sister's cheek which didn't settle with Noah when he looked up and saw that.

"Who are they?" Bella's questioned caught his attention making him look in the direction she was staring at.

These four teens were outside walking towards the door to walk in. Noah couldn't believe at how beautiful they look with their unblemished pale skin that looked like marble. Their hair and clothes style perfectly. Noah almost couldn't believe how perfect they looked.

"The Cullens." Angela said looking at Jessica to explain further.

"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullens foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska, like a few years ago." Jessica said quietly.

Angela nodded. "They kind of keep to themselves."

Jessica leaned in closer after glancing back at the Cullens who were walking in. "Yeah cause they're all together, like together, together."

She glanced back again. "The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they are actually not together, but at first I thought they were. I not even sure that is legal anyway."

"Jess, they're not actually related though." Angela interrupted shaking her head.

"Yeah, but they live together," Jessica said before quietly saying. "'s weird."

Jessica carried on explaining the other two that came in, but Noah wasn't paying attention to that as he was focused on the beautiful, blonde - Rosalie. To him, she was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He looked from her blonde hair that looked soft, to her golden-eyes that he didn't know was possible to have, to her plump red lips.

There was just something about her that was drawing him to her

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There was just something about her that was drawing him to her. She must of notice him staring at her because she turned to look at him. They stared at each other like they were having a staring contest. Her eyes seemed to have gotten darker as she stared at him.

"Noah, you okay there?" Bella asked shaking his shoulder.

He broke eye contact with Rosalie blinking and turning to look at Bella. She was staring at him in concerned as was Angela and Jessica.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said shaking his head. "Just got distracted that's all."

"Distracted? You were staring at Rosalie for a long time." Angela said between Noah and Rosalie, who was talking to Alice now.

"I wouldn't waste your time on her." Jessica said glancing at him. "Like Edward, apparently nobody here is good enough for her."

Noah nodded finishing his food before lunch ended. He glanced at Bella to see her staring at Edward like he was with Rosalie.


Noah walked out of the school heading towards Bella's truck. Ever since he saw Rosalie he couldn't get his mind off her which made his last two classes difficult to focus in. Once he got to the truck he looked and saw the Cullens by their car just standing and talking to each other. He immediately found Rosalie and saw her staring at him.

He looked away to get in the truck once Bella got there. As they were driving away he felt like she was still watching them.

'What is it about you Rosalie?' Noah thought to himself looking out the window to look at the forest.


There is chapter two. This is definitely longer than chapter one and would probably be the length of how they will all be. I still feel like I could do better, but I will get the hang of it further along. I will skip some scenes like I did with Billy and Jacob bringing Bella her truck, so hopefully that is fine with y'all. Comment what you think so far and press that voting star.

Neutron Star Collision ~ Rosalie Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now