Neutron Star Collision (8)

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Noah followed Rosalie into the garage watching as Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle opened up cabinets. He overheard Emmett say, "We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces."

"I don't realize the thought of killing a creature. Much less a sadistic one like James." Carlisle said looking at Emmett. He closed the cabinet and walked away.

Rosalie pulled Noah close to him as she perched up on the counter. She was watching Carlisle carefully waiting for whatever he had planned.

"I'm going to run Bella south. You lead the tracker away from here." Edward said looking at Carlisle desperately when he walked in front of him.

Carlisle turned around and shook his head, "No Edward, James knows you'll never leave Bella. He'll follow you."

"I'll go with Bella and Noah." Alice said sliding into the conversation, "Jasper and I will drive them south."

Rosalie looked sharply at Alice, "Noah is staying by my side."

Alice sighed looking at Rosalie and Edward, "I'll keep them both safe, Rosalie, Edward."

Edward narrowed his eyes at Alice. "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?"

"Yes." She simply said pulling Bella and Noah to her side and leading them to the car.

Noah glanced back at Rosalie before getting into the back seat with Bella. He turned to her seeing that she was nervous. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it comfortably. "We're going to be alright Bella."

"I'm just worried about them. They're risking their lives for us." Bella said looking out the window to look at Edward.

"Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker could pick up Bella's scent." Edward said tossing them Bella's jacket.

"Why?" Rosalie asked looking at Edward, "What is she to me?"

Noah sighed sitting back in his seat as he watched Bella lean forward a bit to see what Rosalie would do.

"Rosalie," Carlisle sighed not wanting to deal with how Rosalie acts towards Bella. "Bella is with Edward. She's part of this family now just like how Noah is. Protect our family. Protect Noah."

Rosalie stared at Edward before grabbing the jacket Carlisle was holding out to her. She walked towards the Jeep that was parked on his side of the car. He watched her as she opened the drivers seat and throw the jacket in there. She then leaned down by his window staring at him.

"Be safe for me, please." Noah muttered grasping her hand in his and pulling it to his lips. "I swear if anything happens to you, I don't know what I would do."

"Don't worry Noah," Rosalie reassured giving him a small smile. "Once this is all over everything will be fine and you'll be here to take me to prom."

Noah smiled before leaning up to capture her lips. This kiss was slower more passionate. They wanted to make the most of it because they weren't sure if it would be there last. Noah pulled away his blue eyes locking with her golden ones.

"I love you." He said for the first time to her feeling like this moment was the right time to tell her, "I love you so much."

Neutron Star Collision ~ Rosalie Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now