Neutron Star Collision (5)

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The definition of anxious is experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

That is what Noah felt earlier in the day when he saw Bella make eye contact with Edward and started to walk towards the woods. Alice was looking at him with a knowing look like she knew  what was to be expected.

When Bella and Edward didn't return back he wasn't sure if Edward killed her or if they were still talking. The only time he chance he caught a glimpse of Rosalie was when he saw her car quickly leave the parking lot. 

Now he was in his room pacing back and forth thinking of how he was going to contact Rosalie. He didn't have her number nor did he know where she lived. Suddenly, he was slammed against his wall a cold hand wrapped around his neck.

"I told you curiosity killed the cat, Noah." Rosalie sneered, her eyes glaring at him.

"Yeah you did, but are you really going to kill me?" Noah asked raising an eyebrow questioning her actions.

Admittedly, it probably wasn't the smartest move he was doing, but it was a chance of getting to prove that he wasn't afraid of her.

"You know what my family and I are and that's a risk to us. Not only you, but your sister is as well." She explained making him shake his head a little.

He grabbed her hand that was around his neck and gently pulled it off staring into her eyes, "I know that's not the main reason why Rosalie. Every time we look at each other I feel a pull towards you. I don't know why that is, but I feel something for you."

He now had her pressed against to wall opposite to the one she had him held against. He was holding her hand his thumb stroking the arc between her thumb and forefinger.

"You shouldn't feel anything for me Noah. I'm dangerous. I can't grow old with you or give you a family." Rosalie softly said her walls completely coming down.

"I don't care if you are dangerous, if we can't grow old together, or if you can't give me a family. All I care about is being with you." Noah gently cupped her face with both his hands his blue eyes expressing the love he felt for her.

He tipped his head down towards her still looking into her eyes. She tipped her head up meeting him half way. Their lips softly touch each other before moving closer once they did. Noah sighed pulling her closer to him as she gripped his shirt.

The feeling was indescribable to Noah. It wasn't like sparks were flying and fireworks were going off in the background. No, it felt like his whole world was complete now like everything made sense. It seemed like before he was missing a piece of his soul and now it was whole again.

Then our hearts combined like

A neutron star collision


Noah was on his stomach touching the water below him until a flash went off in the corner of his eye. He turned looked to the side and saw Rosalie looking down at his camera at the picture she took of him. Since their first kiss they've been spending a lot of time together. At school everyone was talking about how the Swan siblings got into a relationship with the two Cullens.

Noah found out about Bella being together with Edward about the same time she found out about Rosalie. He had a little chat with Edward again about the consequence of hurting his little sister.

He got up and walked towards Rosalie wrapping his arm around her waist and staring at the picture she took of him.

"You are getting good at taking picture

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"You are getting good at taking picture." Noah said smiling down at her as she handed him his camera.

She gave him a small kiss on the lips smiling back at him, "Well, I had a good helper to show me."

They were walking in the woods behind his house where they found this small opening with a pond. They decided to relax and talk here taking in the scenery.

"I have a question to ask you?" Rosalie said leading him towards a tree.

"What is it?" Noah asked sitting down next to her leaning back against the tree.

Rosalie grabbed his hand and started to play with his fingers, "How would you feel meeting my family?"

"When do you want me to meet them?" Noah asked watching her play with his fingers.

"Well, Edward plans on Bella meeting the family tomorrow, so how about tomorrow as well." Rosalie said looking up at him.

"I think that would be a good time to meet your family." Noah smiled happy to see her smiling, but on the inside he was nervous on whether her family would like him.

'Oh man I hope they like me' Noah thought his stomach churning at the thought of them not liking him.


Noah stepped outside seeing Edward driving his Volvo away and Billy and Jacob pulling up to the house.

"Hello Billy, Jacob." Noah greeted as he walked towards them.

"Noah, Bella it's nice to see you both again." Billy said as Jacob helped him down into his wheel chair.

"Come to see your truck again?" Bella asked Jacob jokingly making him laugh a little

"No, but it's looking good. You got the dent out." Jacob said inspecting the truck from where he stood.

"Actually we are here to see you flat screen. First game of the season." Billy said smiling before nodding towards Jacob. "Plus he's been bugging me about seeing you."

"Great dad thanks." Jacob sighed shaking his head in embarrassment as Bella looked away.

Noah smirked clearly understanding that Jacob had a little crush on Bella. Charlie walked behind Billy holding 2 packs of 6 beer cans. Charlie began to push Billy up to the house as Bella, Jacob, and himself followed behind.

"Got to keep people out of the woods," Billy said as Charlie pulled him up the steps looking at Bella. "Wouldn't want anyone else getting hurt."


There is chapter 5 of Neutron Star Collision. I am so thankful for the viewers that are reading this story. I am almost to 100 views and probably would be over 100 views once this chapter is out. It would be awesome if you would leave a comment giving me feedback on how you feel about the chapters since that would be very helpful on how I am doing so far.


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