Neutron Star Collision (4)

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Noah knocked on his sister's door smiling. Bella looked up from her bed setting her homework down.

"Noah what's up?" Bella asked as he walked in.

Noah sat next to her on her bed. "What's got you distracted at school for pretty much the entire week?"

Bella scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion. "Distracted? What do you mean?"

"You don't think I've noticed you glancing over at the Cullens. You've been waiting for Edward to come back?" Noah said cutting to the chase.

"Don't worry about it. I just wanted to know why he was acting weird ." Bella said looking down at her homework.

Noah sighed wanting to ask more, but decided to leave her alone about it. He got up from her bed and walked back into his room. He saw Edward talking to her earlier today at school and he wanted to know what his deal was with his sister.


Noah walked out of the school after talking to some teachers about some college opportunities. As he was walking towards Bella he looked over at the Cullens and noticed Rosalie staring at him.

The sound of tires squealing broke the stare between the two and he turned to see Tyler's car heading towards Bella.

"BELLA!" Noah shouted running towards Bella as fast as he could.

He jumped over the car pausing when he saw Edward looking at his sister. He could've sworn he saw Edward by his car when he looked over, but he decided to think about that later and worry about his sister.

"Bella, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Noah asked pulling her up to him checking to see if there were any injuries on her.

"No I'm fine I swear." Bella said though Noah ignored her.

Everyone was crowding around them asking Bella if she was ok and that the ambulance were on there way. Noah helped Bella move out between the car ignoring Tyler apologizes. When the ambulances came he went with her to the hospital.

He stayed with Bella in the hospital room waiting for Charlie to show up. Once Charlie showed up he asked Bella if she was alright and pulled the curtain for privacy to block out Tyler.

Soon the door opened and a blonde hair male came walking in smiling. He looked familiar to Noah with the pale skin and golden eyes.

"I heard the chief daughter was in." The doctor said walking towards them.

"Oh Dr. Cullen." Charlie said nodding his head towards him.

Noah's eyes widen at recognizing the name and saw that it perked Bella's interest as well.

'So this is Dr. Cullen. Does every Cullen look beautiful?' Noah thought to himself.

"Charlie," Carlisle patted Charlie shoulder before looking at Noah. "And your name?"

"Noah, sir." Noah said holding out his hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you Noah." Carlisle smiled shaking his hand which Noah noticed was cold.

He grabbed a clip board flipping through the papers on it. "Isabella."

"Bella." Bella corrected him watching him.

"Well Bella," Carlisle said looking up from the paper, "Looks like you took quite the spill. How do you feel?"

Neutron Star Collision ~ Rosalie Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now