Neutron Star Collision (3)

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Noah sat at the back of Bella's truck looking through the picture he took on his camera. He had a free period and decided to take pictures of the school and the woods beside it. As he was looking through the pictures someone was walking towards him.

"Did you get any good pictures?" A smooth voice asked him making him look up.

His blue eyes looked into the familiar golden eyes he would get into a staring contest with when ever they saw each other.

Noah looked down at his camera. "Um, kind of."

"Do you mind if I take a look?" Rosalie asked staring at him still.

Noah look up again and shook his head handing her his camera. He watched her go through them watching her closely.

"You like to take pictures of the woods?" She asked showing him one of the pictures he took when he went into the woods.

He licked his lips before answering, "There's a beauty about them that I want to capture on camera, so yeah I guess I do

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He licked his lips before answering, "There's a beauty about them that I want to capture on camera, so yeah I guess I do."

"Anything that's beautiful you take picture of?" She said giving him his camera back.

"Yeah, pictures can show the beauty in things and can capture that moment and make it last forever." Noah said setting his camera down and looking at her.

Rosalie is a very beautiful woman, but from what Noah observed over the time he was at school, she is also a very guarded person when she is around others that aren't her siblings.

"You're a very quiet person." Rosalie suddenly said breaking the silence that was between them.

Noah huffed out a little laugh shaking his head. "I am at first, but once you get to know me I'm not."

Rosalie raised an eyebrow smirking a little. "So I would have to get to know you more to get more words out of you."

"You're already off on a great start." Noah smirked at her enjoying the sound of her laugh.


Noah was sitting on the couch in the living room with Charlie watching a baseball game on the television. Sports and fishing was how he was able to bond with Charlie.

"So, where do you think you are going to be going to college at?" Charlie asked glancing at Noah before looking back at the screen.

Noah shrugged messing with his shirt. "I'm not sure." he nervously looked towards Charlie, "I was thinking about not going to college for a year and just travel."

Charlie sat up a bit his expression turning into concern. "How are you even going to get the money to travel. You don't even have a job."

"I can find one. Plus my friends from Phoenix may travel with me, so we would have enough money between us to travel around." Noah said sighing leaning his head back against the couch.

There was a brief silence between them as they continued to watch the game. What Charlie didn't know was that he had enough money that he worked to get back Phoenix. Only Bella knew about the money since he knew she would help him hide it from their mom and Phil.

"Where are you and your friends planning to travel?" Charlie asked breaking the silence once a commercial came on.

Noah weaved his hand through his hair. "Well, we were planning on going to England, France, Germany, Spain, and then Italy."

Charlie nodded slowly processing the information. "That's a lot of places you're going to be going to. When do you plan on leaving."

"Already wanting me to leave dad?" Noah smirked making Charlie laugh a little. "I don't know when I'm going to leave. I'll hang around here for a while after I graduate and see from there."

After that the game came back on and the silence fell upon them once more as they watched the game.


"So your brother is back to school now?" Noah asked Rosalie as they sat in the back of the truck.

They've been meeting like this ever since that day she came up to him and asked about his pictures. Noah told her the basic things about himself to her and listened when she told him. They didn't dig too deep into their personal lives knowing that they still had a while to get to the point.

"Yeah, he had to go out of town for a it." Rosalie told him staring at the school.

Noah shook his smiling a bit. "Right."

"You don't believe me." Rosalie pressed her eye narrowing a bit.

"Well it seems odd that once he meets my sister in Biology that he starts acting weird and then disappears." Noah shrugged leaning back on his arms.

"It was just convenient timing that a problem arouse that he had to leave for personal reasons." Rosalie explained crossing her arms.

Noah hummed in accepting her answer and before she could say anything else the bell rang signaling that lunch ended.


That is the end of chapter tres. There was a little hint of where Noah is going to be in New Moon. I may post another chapter today or I would do it tomorrow. Comment what you thought and press that thumbs up.

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