Neutron Star Collision (9)

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That was the sound that Noah woke up to. His eyes opened and he saw light blue walls. He took a deep breath looking around. He saw an IV in his arm and felt something wrapped his head and back.

"Rosalie." Noah muttered trying to push himself up against the bed. A hand rested on his before getting him to settle down.

"It's ok, Noah, I'm here." Rosalie quietly said sitting next to his side. She held his hand in hers interlocking their fingers together.

"What happened? Where's Bella?" Noah asked his body feeling all ache.

Rosalie closed her eyes sighing, "Apparently, James pushed you into a mirror. The force of the impact made pieces of glass get stuck in your back and you must've hit your head because it was cut open. After that Edward stopped James from hurting Bella even more than he was, but he managed to bite her. Luckily, Carlisle, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper made it there just in time to help."

Before Noah could even say anything about Bella being bit Rosalie continued, "Don't worry she didn't turn. Edward sucked out the venom. She's still asleep. She just has a broken leg."

Before Noah could say anything the door opened and his mom came walking in. When she saw him looking at her she smiled in relief.

"Noah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Renée asked walking over to his bed and sitting on the side of it.

"Sore, but otherwise fine." Noah said smiling at her showing that he was fine.

"Well, once you and Bella get better you both can come to Jacksonville with me. You're going to love it." Renée explained making Noah scrunch up his face.

"Mom, I'm staying in Forks." Noah said making his mom sigh caressing his forehead before standing up from the bed.

"I'm going to go check on Bella again." Renée said before turning to look at Rosalie, "Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble."

Rosalie smiled at her, "Don't worry Renée I'll keep an eye on him."

Renée smiled before walking out of the room. Noah turned to Rosalie raising a eyebrow, "Since when did you call my mom by her first name."

Rosalie rolled her eyes turning to look at him, "Since she told me to call her by her first name when I met her, Noah."

"Well that's good news. It tells me she approves of you." Noah said smiling which made Rosalie sigh.

"Noah I think you should go with your mom to Jacksonville. You could have worst injuries than you did, and it's all because I brought you to that baseball game." Rosalie said staring at him intently.

"Rosalie, I'm not moving to Jacksonville. I don't care if I would have gotten even more injuries. I don't blame you for what happened because you know why?" Noah said pushing himself up even though Rosalie attempted to push him down. "It's because I love you Rosalie. This isn't some Romeo and Juliet love story. Nothing would keep us apart."

With that he wrapped his arms around her bringing her down for an uncomfortable hug. He felt her relax resting her hand on his chest.

"Besides, I still have to take you to prom." Noah said which made Rosalie sit up and laugh.


"Noah you look so handsome." Esme smiled wrapping him in a hug.

Noah was wearing a black long sleeve dress shirt, navy blue dress pants, navy blue jacket, and black dress shoes. His hair was styled nicely with gel. He hand a small plastic container that contained a white corsage and boutonnière.

"Thank you Esme." Noah said smiling putting his hand in his front pocket.

He began making small talk with Esme in the living room. Emmett and Jasper came down whistling at him. Soon, he heard the clicking of heels and saw Rosalie walking down the stairs.

Noah stared at her in awe. While he knew she was beautiful she was breathtaking in the dress she was wearing. It wasn't anything extravagant, but simple. It was black that reached her knees. The straps hanged around the back of her neck and crossed in the middle. Her blonde hair was curled with some of it in a braid.

"You look beautiful, Rosalie." Noah said standing up and holding out his arm for her to take.

"Thank you Noah, you look dashing." Rosalie smiled looping her arm with his.

"Have fun you two!" Esme said as they walked down to the garage to go in Rosalie's car.

"Don't have too much fun." Emmett shouted making Noah laugh a little.

Noah put Rosalie's corsage on her wrist as she put his boutonnière on for him before they got in the car. She drove towards the school. They made small talk along the way.

They pulled up into the parking lot seeing students talking and waiting in line for pictures. Noah got out waiting for Rosalie to be by his side before walking together to the line.

Once they got their pictures taken they walked in seeing everyone dancing in the middle the music blasting loudly.

"Do you want to dance outside?" Noah asked quietly seeing her nod. He led her through the crowd finally making it outside. There wasn't a whole lot of people out, and they could still hear the music.

"May I have this dance?" Noah asked smiling holding his hand out for her to take. She took it wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist gently swaying.

"Did you have any plans after we graduate?" Noah asked quietly staring into her eyes.

"Some people would think that I'm would be heading off to college, but in reality I would just still be here in Forks. What about you?" Rosalie answered before asking him the same question.

Noah sighed softly, "Well, I was planning on traveling to Europe with my friends, but I may have to cancel on them." He shrugged smirking at her. "I'm sure they would be happy I found a girl and would understand."

Rosalie shook her head rolling her eyes at him, "I don't want to keep you from traveling. It's not often you get to do that with your friends."

"Yeah, but I would have forever to get a chance to travel with you." Noah said resting his forehead on hers.

"What makes you think you are going to be turned? You are going to have to wait till everyone in the family agrees and when I'm ready." Rosalie muttered to him pinching his neck gently.

Noah hissed at the pain holding her tighter, "Even then Rosalie, we would end up being together forever. We wouldn't managed being away from each other."

"I managed being away from you before we met I think I can do it again." Rosalie teasingly said making Noah laugh a little.

She moved her head up to capture his lips in a passionate kiss. He dipped her down making her laugh against his lips before he pulled her upright again. They continued to dance the night away occasionally stopping to kiss.

All in all, it was shaping up to be Noah's best night.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Tomorrow will be the last chapter of this story which is insane. I already have plans for the second story.


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