Neutron Star Collision (7)

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"It's seems like it's been forever since I've talked to you Noah." His mom, Renée, said on the other side of the his phone.

Noah sat down in his computer chair leaning back into it. "I know mom, and I'm sorry for that. I've just been busy with things here."

"Things huh, one of those wouldn't include a girl would they?" Renée jokingly said which made Noah pause and lean forward in his chair slightly.

"Maybe." Noah simply said hearing his mom go silent on the other end.

"Tell me all about her, what's her name?" Renée excitedly asked making Noah smile a little.

"Her name is Rosalie Hale and she is very beautiful." Noah said not going into too much detail about her to his mom.

"That's all." Renée sighed, "At least tell me how you two met."

"We met at school, we talked, long story short we are together." Noah summed up laughing at his mom growl of frustration. "Ok, ok, all I can tell you is that I love her very much."

"Love? Is this getting serious?" Renée questioned sitting up from her seat at her house.

"I think so, I don't know." Noah sighed falling back onto his bed staring up at the ceiling, "I mean we just got together, but I can just tell that she is the one for me."

Renée smiled at what he told her and she could tell that by the tone of his voice that this girl meant a lot to him. "Oh I can't believe my baby is in love."

"Mom!" Noah laughed shaking his head in exasperation.


"Do you want to go to prom with me?" Noah asked Rosalie as they left the school parking lot.

Rosalie glanced at him before looking back at the road. "You finally ask me that?"

"Well, I just remembered about the dance and I wasn't going to be going at first." Noah explained looking at her waiting for her answer.

"I guess I can go with you." Rosalie sighed acting reluctant to go with him to the dance before looking at him. "That means you have to go watch me play baseball with my family later today."

Noah raised his eyebrow at her. "Watch you? Why can't I play?"

"Do you think you would be able to play against vampires?" Rosalie questioned already knowing the answer he was going to say.

Noah pouted and crossed his arms staring straight ahead of him. "No I guess not."

Rosalie turned to look at him seeing how cute he looked when he was pouting. "Don't be sad." she said as she placed her arm on his thigh, "You can be there to enjoy the game and cheer me on."

Noah sighed before smiling at her. "I guess I can go watch you play baseball."

He grabbed her hand that was on his thigh and held it to show that he really wasn't upset that he wasn't going to play with her and her family.

They got to his house and he saw that Charlie was home early from work. He took off his seat belt and looked at Rosalie. "Do you want to meet my dad?"

Rosalie stared at him before pulling her keys out of the ignition, "Sure."

Noah nodded and stepped out of the car pulling his bag up his shoulder. He waited for Rosalie to walk around to his side before holding her hand and walking up to his house. He walked in closing the door after Rosalie stepped in.

"Dad, I'm home. I also brought someone I want you to meet." Noah said loudly not sure where his dad was in the house.

Charlie walked out of the kitchen and his eyes widen when he saw Rosalie standing by Noah. Noah looked at Charlie and smiled, "Dad, this is Rosalie Hale."

Neutron Star Collision ~ Rosalie Hale [1]Where stories live. Discover now