first meeting

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she was sitting under the open sky full of stars, admiring them and thinking how beautiful these stars are. she wish that there was someone who could be a star in her dark life which makes her life just beautiful, take her out from her dark life like those stars are making these dark sky beautiful.
after a while, she listened some voice,a sorrowful voice, someone complaining about his/her life. She thought not to follow the voice but her heart wanted to know about that person. She know the feeling of being alone, she followed the voice and saw a man sitting on bench with tears in eyes and frowns on head. She went near him and sat beside him. He immediately wipe off his tears and asked her who she is and why she came to him. "I listened your broken voice and I couldn't stop myself to see you." she said with concern in eyes and sympathy in heart. "I'm not broken" he said as he didn't want any one to know anything about him. "liar" she said."I don't lie, I hate lying and liars" he said with anger in voice because he hate hurting other with lies. "its ok if u don't wanna share anything but you know I'm stranger and I might not share your secret with anyone because I don't even know who you are". She said putting her hand on his shoulder and assuring him that she will keep all his secrets and will help him to remove loneliness from his life. "why are you becoming so sympathetic when I'm not really interested." he said as he was thinking why she is so concern for him does she want something from him.? "well" looking at stars "I'm here because I myself alone I know how it feels when you are broken and alone and you don't have anyone to share your pain with it is the most worst feeling of the world and I can sense the same pain in your voice" she said and still looking at star and he was just staring at her as he found an angel in his life for the first time someone want to know his pain he was feeling wanted, he smiles and looked at the star where she was looking. " you know what I'm all alone my parents just keep fighting I'm sick of my dad he want to divorce my mom and I can't see my mom hurt she is someone I love the most in this world,(cries) and she loves his so called husband (anger arise on his face) " he said and she was deeply listening to him as she felt herself in him. "you know life is never been easy going you have to deal with everything alone sometimes you have someone to help you but most often when you genuinely need someone you have no one, no one to share feelings, your heart, your wounds and this is when you feel that why this happens to me." she was saying all this like she was opening her heart and he found her alone as well. "what happened to you, you are same as me" he curiously asked to know why she is exactly same as he is. "I lost my parents 2 years back now I live with elder brother who just don't care about me, I don't have any one to talk with and share my pain with and I don't really like to reveal about myself to my friends actually so called friends who doesn't even care" she desperately said that. He could feel her. He was able to sense her pain. "look at those stars" she pointed towards stars and looked at them "hmm?" he questioned. "when its night and its dark these stars illuminate the sky with their light, our life is same as sky, dark and we all need stars in our life who enlighten it, but struggle is to find the star in our life who could enlighten it and in searching light in our life we forget that we all need someone to be with us who kick out dark from our lives" she said her heart out though it was bit filmy but she was right we all need someone. "your thoughts are deep yet filmy" he mocked and gave a laugh. " I know right! But this is my personal experience from my life" she looked at him who was completely lost in her. "hey" she said while stirring him. He came back in to his sense and disconnected himself from staring her. "well It was good talking to you know I got rude before talking ,for that sorry u can understand how I was feeling" he said in guilt. "its ok I know your feelings by the way we have talked so much but we yet even ask for name." she asked as she was curious to know more about him. "if destiny want us to be friend and share our heart we will meet again and then I will tell you everything about (he went near her ear) every detail (he hush in her ear)" he said and left from there and she was sitting there like a statue and looking at him walking out from there. What happened to her she realized and stood up and also started walking towards her home which was near so she didn't need any vehicle while walking thought of him kept striking her mind and she didn't understand what was happening to her she felt like she just saw that light of star and she needs. Whereas he was also not able to forget her, her voice, her words, her eyes and all the few moments that they spend together the night was restless for both of them they both were curious to know more about each other to talk to each other as both of them found light in eachother both of them didn't sleep whole night thinking about each other. It was morning both of them wanted to meet each other again but how they know any thing about each other will destiny let them meet the light their lives. She was looking out from window still lost in last night thoughts. He thought to visit the same place where they met yesterday as if destiny want them to meet, they will meet at same place again. He left home to meet her. And she also thought to visit the same place again if he would come to meet her. She went to the place where they met and he was sitting exactly where he was sitting last night and she went and sit near him. "so destiny has something in its bag" she just said having a small smile on her face. "hmm" she said nothing more why, doesn't he wanna talk to her? And does he not like her? " what hmm? You said we share each and everything about each other if we meet again and look we are here so tell me your name" she curiously asked as she was craving for him for his voice. " omkara, I'm omkara" he finally tell his name and she was like wow such beautiful name. "what ? Now tell me your name" he questioned as she wasn't replying and just staring at him. "gauri, gauri ku.." he stopped her in mid. "ahan just name just don't reveal our background that is something we will never ask about eachother" he said, but why he said that does he not want anyone to know about his father? "okay, so I'm gauri" she said it with a smile on her face. "gauri nice name ha" he winked.. "don't know why I'm not getting the feel of that person with whom I met last night r u sure u r the same person" he mocked but questioned as she was not like the one he met last night. "because it is morning, you know what this sun make me strong it teach me that how much one say bad about you or gossip about you, you just have to be strong like this sun and keep burning and make other jealous. And stars make me weak not my strength but my heart when I'm under stars I feel I'm seeing light in dark and that's how it make me weak" she again explained her deep thoughts that wounds give her. "so lets do one thing we will meet in night because I want the person whom I met last night because it was me." he said " I don't mind because I'm also seeing the different version of you, not whom I met last night" she raised her eyebrow and looked at him.. Both stood up and give smile to other and left.. They didn't wanted to leave but they left because both of them wanted to meet the person whom they met last night. the day went in curiosity to talk to eachother,share about their pain, wounds and loneliness.

(hope you all liked reading it, make sure to vote for my story and do comment how you liked it if any mistake tell me i will edit i will soon update with next part)

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