heart wants you

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It was night again, he was sitting at same place waiting for her, he waited for almost one hour she didn't come his heart was sinking in his stomach, thinking why she haven't come yet, he wait for more 15 minutes she did come. He decided to go to her residence he reached there and saw her sitting in balcony and sipping juice, he looked at her in disappointment she was looking at stars, he push horn for a minute and when she disturbed from sound she looked down it was him "oh damn I forgot to meet him" she mumbled to herself "what are you doing" she shout because of noise he stopped "why didn't come to meet" he also shouted "I'm coming down wait for me" she said and came down in few minutes "now tell me why didn't you come" he asked folding his hands and showing anger on his face "I'm really sorry I was so tired because of work and totally forgot about you" she explained and apologized, he grabbed her hand and pinned it on her back and coming closer to her "oh really" he said in slow voice, her heart beat became fast and both were able to sense each other breath "yeah" she said in slow voice, he leave her hand ask her to sit in car she said "why", "just sit" he forcefully made her sit in car, he sat on driver seat and she beside him, her hand was red where he hold his hand was so tough "I'm sorry for that hand grab I didn't meant to hurt you" he said as he noticed her checking her hand and rubbing it.. "its ok" she said, she didn't know why she didn't ask him question about be grabbed her so tightly, her heart was still beating fast "where are we going" she asked him "wait and watch" he said giving smirk to her,.


In 15 minutes they reached at sea side. "it is so late why have you taken me here?" She asked because it was dark and no one was there," I often come here and I feel so pleased and calm here so as your day was tough and busy so thought to take you here so you will feel relief" he said and he went towards her door and opened it and asked her for her hand and she gave him her hand come out cold wind was hitting their faces, he closed the door and pinned her on it, his one hand on her waist and other on upward side of door blocking her way to go, she first looked at his hand her on waist and put her hand on it, tried to get rid of it but couldn't help herself then she looked in his eyes and in hush voice "what are you doing".. "nothing" he slowly said and almost lost in her " would you like have something" he said in loving way "oh really I would like to have ice cream and now tell me from where you will bring it there is no one mister" she mocked him and put her hands around his neck "umm...."he looked here and there, hold her hands and put them down and opened the back door of car and took out the ice box which had ice creams, her mouth was opened in O shape and her eyes glisten in excitement as she never expected it, "wow dude everything prepared haan!!" she gave him looks and start eating ice cream, they stand by the support of car and start eating ice cream, he ate his ice cream just in few minutes where as gauri was eating slowly and because of that her ice cream start melting it was stick around her lips and lower side of cheeks, her hand was also become dirty she was eating like a 3 years old child and he was staring her and smiling looking at her. when she was done she looked at herself and them at him and made puppy face "do u have a tissue"she asked he went near her slowly whisper "no." she made sad puppy face and looked down "now"she said and looked at him "now what"he went more close to her. she didn't know what he was doing she was just staring him and his moves and was standing like an statue. he took her hand i his and start licking her fingers and then he hold her elbow and pulled her close she was breathing heavily because of his touch and he then sucked her cheeks where ice cream was ,slowly he went near her lips and sucked lower lip she was lost in him in his touch her eyes was closed she was tightly holding him from back he then kissed her and she too responded to it they were lost in each other both of their eyes were closed they were tasting each others lips they suddenly came back in their senses because of loud voice of seashore and he took a back from her it was completely awkward situation they didn't know what to say, "sorry" he said but she remained silent she was feeling embarrass but he changed the topic so she don't feel embarrass anymore "look at moon, today is full moon how ravishing it is na?" ... "yeah"she looked at moon "you know what this moon has so many marks and spot yet everyone love it , do you know why?" he asked "no" she said and looked at him "because it keeps shining and doesn't let any one see its marks and give people light in dark even after having so much spots . you know what, it teaches us a lesson that how much trouble or pain you go through just give everyone happiness and light.one should shine like this moon so that no one sees bad in you, you should be good like this moon, it gives light and hopes to every person every night without any complain" he said and was lost in himself and she was gazing him like an admirer.
they then sat in back seat of car talked about different things whole night slept in each others embrace...

(hope you all liked it, sorry for delay, comment how it is?)
(honest confession i was laughing writing this one how do you feel do comment.. scenes suggestion are welcome. do vote for my story and thank you all for loving it and appreciating it. soon update you all with next part till then spread the story..)
any mistake comment i will edit.... :)

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