when I'm with you

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he drove whole night whilst she slept with frowns on her head! It was morning yet a bit dark! Birds were chirping and cold air was breezing!! He stopped car outside her car!...

"Gauri" he said with sugar in his voice but Gauri didn't wake up!... He called her few more times but she didn't move!

He went out from car and went to passenger seat and opened car where Gauri head was resting! He went close to her and whispered his name! She shivered still not wake up! He saw movement of her and hoped into seat and put her head on his lap!! Just when he touched her cheeks it was tempting he checked her head it was burning , she had fever! ... He took her in his arms and took her inside her house... He made her lay on bed.. She was murmuring something which he couldn't understand! She was feeling cold! He covered her with duvet and sat beside her! He called doctor to check her... He hung off phone when Gauri slowly opened half of her eyes, he saw her, she wanted to say something! He went near her...

"I'm having headache" she whispered in his ear and closed her eyes again... After then he kept pressing her head until doctor arrived...

Doctor checked her and prescribed medicines!! Omkara and doctor both came out of room!

"she has some kind of stress because of which this happened! You have to take complete care of her and make sure don't give any kind of stress or pressure" doctor informed him and left...

He went in her room again... She looked weak, her face was pale!... he understood why she was tense because of whole fiasco happened last night!....
He massage her head for 1 hour and then she slightly woke up! She opened her eyes little, "omkara" she whispered.. as soon as he listened her he cupped her face wuth full attention "what are you doing here" she added whilst stammering...
"You have a fever and there is no one to take care of you so i stayed" ...
With his so much attention, her heart felt weak because she got so much attention and care in her life after don't know how many days... she couldn't controlled and tears rolled down her cheeks...
"What happened why are you crying" he asked but she didn't reply, whilst sobbing she opened her arms for hug! And he went lil close to her and she hugged him very tightly... he hugged her back and rubbed her back to make her calm....
"Please gauri, everything will be fine" he tried to calm her....
After a lot of sobbing she broke hug and he sat properly!...
"Are you fine" he asked with love in his eyes! She just nodded.....
He then moved and sat beside her! Resting his back from wall of bed... he was caressing her head!... whilst her back was facing him.... after a while she turned and hugged in same position, he didn't object and let her hug him... she rested her head on his bend belly! And he was caressing her and adoring her....
After almost half hour she slept, and he didn't disturb her and sat there and started using mobile from one hand and from other caressing her hair.... after 1 and half hour gauri started shivering, he checked her head and her fever was more then before ,her head was burning... she was not conscious... he called doctor and told him about the situation and doctor said something to him and he hung up phone and moved from him... he was walking here and there thinking about what doctor said to him... gauri starting shivering even more, being in blanket she was feeling cold..
"I'm sorry gauri, i know i dont have right to do this i have to, doctor said only body heat can control this shiver" he hesitantly moved towards bed and removed his shirt and then sat beside her! And with shivering hand he removed her clothes and hugged her, he covered himself and her with blanket! (I dont know if this thing make sense😛)
Whole night he rubbed her back and spend night by colliding in her to make her feel warm!!!...
It was now morning, he woke up! And directly checked her fever! It wasn't there he was relaxed.... he made her wear her clothes properly and then wore his.... he stood from bed and went to get fresh! Whilst gauri opened her eyes slightly!! She felt her head heavy! Fever wasn't but she was still weak... she tried to sit, when omkara came out of washroom and just when he saw her awake he ran to her and helped her sit properly! Suddenly gauri realises what he's doing here...
"What are you doing here" she asked whilst her head pained and she winced clutching head...
"Relax, relax, don't take stress... i... i.. i will  tell you eveything!! " he tried to calm her whilst his word stammered...
Gauri's gaze went on her clothes!! She was confused and shocked...
"What happened yesterday" she directly asked in a fear tone...
"G...gau..gauri.. n..n..nothing happened i..it was just that you had high fever and you were feeling really cold andwhen i called doctor he said he couldn't come so he suggest me ...." he said and stopped and down his gaze...
"What he suggest you" she kept glaring him with wide eyes..
"Th..th...that" he again stopped and took a deep breath "he suggest that onky body heat can heal you or else it could become serious" he said in a go and release his breath!!!.....
She only gazed him with no expressions whilst his gaze was still down! His eyes was closed as he thought she is gonna burst on him!! But nothing like that happened... he opened his eyes when he heared door locking sound! She went inside washroom!!...
Omkara's Pov!!
Why didn't she react!! I didn't do anything to hurt, i hope it doesn't effect on our friendship... i really don't want to loose her... he is light in my life! She is the only one who understands me, yes understands me she will understand situation... she will forgive me but forgive me for what i didn't do any mistake it was necessary or else her life would be in danger! Any way i will talk her and clear everything because i don't want her to misunderstand me!!....
Pov end!!
Whilst gauri inside washroom!! She opened tap and water flowed from shower directly on her face!!!.... she closed her eyes... the incident of night before yesterday flashed in her mind... she opened her eyes and shouted "nooooo"... when omkara heared all this he knocked on door! She didn't respind he was hitting on door very badly... "gauri open the door, r u fine, gauriiii" he shouted her name several times...
When she didn't respond he got tensed and hit on door with full force and door lock got break! ... he went inside!! And saw her sitting on corner fully drenched in water! He ran to her and hold her from shoulder her hand was fold she was clutching her clothes... he took her out and made her sit on corner of bed.... she was afraid!!she was breathing heavily and she couldn't controlled and starting crying vulnerably and fell on omkara chest who was sitting just beside her! He wrapped his arms around her and was consoling her continuously he didn't stopped her from crying because he wanted her to cry her heart out so only then she will feel better... her one hand was clutching his shirt and other was on back... she kept on cying and he kept on rubbing her back!!....
After a while she pulled herself away from him! Ignored eye contact!!....
"R u fine" he asked with concern.
She nodded...
"Look I'm really sorry for yeste.." before he complete she interrupted...
"Its okay!! I know it was only because you wanted me not to be ill!"
"But" he tried to say but she stopped him...
"Let me complete... you might want to know why i was crying... that ... that... that "she took deep breath " because of night before yesterday, that incident is haunting me"  tears again formed in her eyes....
"Please take me out of this, help me".... she held his hand in her....
He cupped her face "gauri, liren to me you are strong you don't need to be afraid, I'm here with you always... and yes i have informed one of my friend who is in police and he  is finding him and whenever they will find him he wil, arrest him and punish him and for that they need your statement you will do na?!!!" He calmly told her evetthing asked her for her statement....
She nodded with a slight smile on her face!!!....
A/N(I didn't want to show her vulnerable, why the hell i wrote this but anyway m fast forwarding this,  going forward.. I've almost lost the point on which i started this book... want to bring that back!!)....
They went to police station filed F.I.R and they recorded Gauri's statement.... gauri was weak, he went to her home and asked her if he can take of her and live there for sometime... she didn't insist and let him stayed there wuth her!....
Gauri's pov:
He asked me, he want to take care of  me and he will live here with me somedays... it might be weird for him that i didn't insist... but what should i do.. i feel comfortablewhen he is with me.. it feels special he take care of me.. i just want to be with him... i want wake up seeing him i want to sleep seeing his face... infact i just want him to be with always... i don't know whats happening with.....
No proof read!
Thats it for now.. update after a month omg sorry guys....
Any complain you can comment.. also , m thinking to start a book on chulbul omkara track! I really have good concept for it... so if anyone would like to read??....
Also yeah m working on two other books (obviously on rikara) will titles later but yeah both are dark content and m skeptical about posting it as if the character i sketch sill suit omkara or not.... (hint:one is on revenge and other on obsession) which one you want to read first (i cant publish both togther as you know m lazy writer..😜....)
And and and also an OS which is not yet completed just idea have is my mind a bit of written itsnot getting complete because m not getting suitable words... uff... i have written so much in this one month haina?,,.... do comment your suggestions.... till then adios...

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