is its over?

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They both were living togther in her house for quite a little time... she was recovering from the incident slowly, though she still got nightmares sometimes....
In starting days, he slept in guest room. But when he listened to her nightmares and screams he decided to sleep in herroom but on couch.... even she was comfortable under his eyes...
She felt comfortable when he look after her...
Days went quite well... they starting going on work togther, they were becoming business partner, her designings and his sculpture made a beautiful combination.... they both kept their feelings to themselves... gauri was almost recover from all... he decided to leave her place as her brother was coming back... and also he didn't want to create any misunderstanding... gauri was sad understanding the situation she let him go...
He left her a few hours before her brother arrived...
His heart was in fear... his mind was saying not to leave her...
She is in danger, he took a glance of her, waved a hand and drove to his home... which was as usual silent, nobody was there to welcome him.... Unlike how he have been getting welcomed for days when he was with her...
He was served by servant made food. He missed his time with her making food for each other. He called her in night to check on her...

"hey" he heard soft voice of her on phone
"how much I miss you" he didn't reply to her greeting but instead he expressed his feelings.
"hahahah. Already? We will meet for surely... " he was quite happy knowing that she still wants to be with him no matter...


[this is the open end for this or consider it discontinues. The above draft was written in 2018 and I never got around either completing or publishing so I'm just sharing it however it was. Thank you to anyone who loved this fic and enjoyed it. You'd always be special to me I'm sorry for leaving unannounced and abruptly but life happened]

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