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(I am really sorry for delay but I didn't wanted to give you all something which is not interesting so that's why I took time now don't waste and read this part)

Happy Reading! xoxo...
they slept whole night in car, in each others embrace. it was morning sun beams hit on his face, he woke up and looked at her. she was looking like a cute baby sleeping with her favorite teddy bear. she holding him tightly when he tried to move she woke up and get away from him slowly.

"good morning" he said with a smile
"good morning" she said while comforting herself.

they got out from car and looked around, beach was full of people playing and enjoying.
"we were here on beach whole night oh god" she said in bit worried voice, putting her hand on head.
"so what, its ok i will drop you come sit" he said and then sat in car also she.

he started driving and whilst driving.
"i have an event tomorrow actually exhibition of my sculptures so you are a designer right so i want you to design some clothes unique clothes for my sculpture." he said.
"just in one day" she said
"yeah please somehow do it na" he said and made a puppy face looking at her. She agreed and then after 2 hours he picked her up from her house and they both went on the location an hour before evening it was actually a farmhouse , there was already other artists and their workers/helpers were present. He took her to the place where his work was. She looked at the sculptures and paintings he made and completely mesmerized by them, she started working on for which she supposed to came, he was there with her and helping her, almost all the work was done by 10. must say Gauri is very talented!
he looked at her tired face which was still glowing she asked him where she can stay and rest

"well, actually all the rooms are reserved and workers/helpers doesn't have any room look all the workers has gone but its ok u can stay in my room if u don't mind" he said hesitatingly.

"in your room?" She asked with a bit shock on her face.

"yeah why not" he said

"ohk" she said still not completely agreed with her decision

They got up from there and went in room, she washed her hands and face and sat on bed she then saw the stars was visible from their room's window she went near window, he was looking at her sheen eyes he then broke his trance of gazing her and went inside washroom to change, she was still standing there by window then she thought to go outside to enjoy the atmosphere wholeheartedly. It was a bit cold she was rubbing her hands and upper of elbows and looking at stars like every day she did. He came out of washroom and looked at the place she was standing but there was no one and room was empty as she was out side he got worry and went near window and saw her standing alone in the lawn he thought to disturb her thoughts and starting moving towards in the mid he stopped he saw a boy actually his competitor walking toward Gauri the boy went near her and held her firstly she jerk off his hand but then

"I just held your hand sweetheart why so rude" he said with smirk.

"excuse me?" She said making angry face

Omkara was watching whole scenario from a distance

"look at you. so beautiful,gorgeous and going in omkara's room? Like really? The old philosophical boy, what will he do? Come in my room I will tell you what you deserve gorgeous" he said mischievously while moving his fingers on her face.

Gauri became angry but she didn't show that and went a bit closer to the boy.

"so you want to spend a night with you right" she said with smirk.

"woah! Not bad you are really smart Haan!!" He said as he thought she would come with her.

Whilst Omkara watching all of this, he was becoming angry.

"but I will charge for it" she said raising her eyebrow and a bit anger on her face.

"how much you want?" He said as he thought she will definitely spend a night him.

Listening to this Omkara's anger was on peak he made a tight fist due to which his hand started bleeding and he went back in his room in anger.

Whereas when the boy said how much you want Gauri hit on his main part and he fell on floor in pain.

"this is what I wanted, you jerk" she said in full anger and walked towards Omkara's room. When she enters in his room he was sitting on bed, he looked at her in disgust.

"what are you doing here?" He asked with angry

"you said I can stay here right?" She said confusingly

He stood from his position and went near her and pinned her into the wall.

"I didn't know you are like this how beautifully you do philosophical talks but the fact is behind this beautiful character there is a characterless girl" he said in full anger tightly holding her shoulder which was giving her pain

"how could you? Leave me you are hurting me" she said as his tight hold was giving her unbearable pain.

"so? What you did hurt me here (pointing towards heart)" he said with disgust on face and tears on eyes..

"but what I did will you tell me?" She shouted

He leaved her and took a step back.

"you, (pointing towards her with tears in eyes) you did deal to spend a night" he shouted and stretched last word.

"are you out of your mind" she shouted.

"I have heard it with my ear and seen you talking about deal and money with that boy to spend a n.i.g.h.t" he shouted and pathetically said.

She was badly crying listening those cheap lines about her she calmed herself and took deep breathe

"listen" she said. But before she continue he stopped her.

"I don't wanna listen anything about you just get out of my room" he said and turned his face in opposite direction.


(again sorry for delay, and sorry for being a bit boring but trust me next part would be interesting you would love to read it again and again. But for now only this ;) .p.s ignore the mistakes. :* )

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