Feels in Rain

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It was night again, she was waiting for him, her heart wanted to listen him, her eyes wanted to see him, she just wanted to be with him. After a wait of almost 15 minutes he reached but for her this was like waiting from decades for him! "why do you come so late" she questioned in desperation as her eyes was hungry for him. "I come on time , you came earlier" he said and sit on the bench "so shit" she mumbled to herself. "did you say something" he asked as he listened her mumbling something. "no.. Nop" Sat next to him! "why are you getting uncomfortable" he questioned as she was avoiding eye contact "I don't know what I'm feeling" she said putting her hand on his and rested her head on his shoulder! He caressed her face! "its ok sometimes happens" he said as he knew her feelings,


almost half an hour left they kept silent sitting on same position,looking at stars! "I feel you are that one star in my life that I always wanted" she said holding his arm in her as crisscross! "may be" he said. Why he said may be am I not that one star of his life? She disconnects from her thoughts as she knew she can't force herself on any one "what about you?" She asked him. "umm..." Went silent for a while "I think you are also that one star of my life" he continued and looked at her and cupped her face with hand!! " I don't know how but you have become special, with you I find myself complete" he said and put his head on her head. She was feeling his breath, both of their heart beat got fast she wanted to bit his lips they were still on same position head to head! Their thoughts disconnect as the rain droplets comes on their face "oh shit" he said and started to run to hide himself somewhere but she was looking at sky, feeling the nature he stopped as he didn't find her "where is Gauri" he mumbled he looked back and she was still their standing With open arms and looking at sky, "what are you doing you will get cold" he shouted as they were on distance "what are you doing there come here and enjoy this beautiful weather" she shouted and start playing with water like a 4 years old child, his eyes was just staring her as they were seeing what they wanted, she came near him and pulled him out from shade and both of them was in open, rain droplets were making them wet. They were fully wet just in 5 minutes she was dancing,playing and laughing fully, and he was just staring her. She looked at him and went near him put her one hand on his waist and other on his shoulder "life is too short to hate just enjoy every bit of it.." She said and made him dance with her they both were looking in each other eyes and lost in it. That feeling was something they never felt before. His eyes filled with tears as he felt happiness in his life after decades he thought she wouldn't notice his tears as its raining "once charlie Chaplin said I love rain because nobody can see me crying what do you think was he right?" She said as She noticed tears in his eyes "umm... Yes he was right but why suddenly you asked me this" he asked as he felt she might have noticed his tears "because I don't know how but I notice that tears in your eyes" she said "how do you know" he said and lost in her eyes "because who understands you can dig out the feeling of you" she said and looked deep in his eyes which still had tears in eyes they both were lost in each other after a minute silent she put her foot toe on his and gave him a small peck of kiss on lips and whispered in his ear "don't cry" and again start enjoying and he was standing like statue, he wasn't able to understand what happened but he was loving it he was liking rain which he never liked before after few minutes she became tired and sat on same bench with him rain was gone they were lost in each other it was late she got cold and sneeze, "bless you" he said as she sneezed,she looked at him with weird expressions and again start sneezing because cold had caught her completely her nose and cheeks became red as she was continuously sneezing " I told you don't get wet cold caught you na" he mocked her "stop making fun of me "sneeze"can't you see I'm becoming sick how would I go home?" She said "should I drop you?" He whispered his offer in Her ear, she looked at him and nodded in positive "lets go" and they left from there...


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