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Hello lovely readers!! Firstly apologies for late update, secondly I hope you all have voted for RiKara in Gold awards!! If not then do it now....

Also do comment guys! I wanna see all of your response don't just read!

&&& thank you for 1k+ read....

Now leave my Bakwas and HAPPY READING XOXO!

It was morning both of them were sleeping in each others embrace peacefully, sun beams were hitting on om's face. He woke up because of light! He woke up and saw Gauri peacefully sleeping on his arm! He tighten the grip from her shoulder and start caressing her cheeks from other hand.

Om's POV!!

How beautiful she looks while sleeping, I was really mean last night. I shouldn't have doubted on her! She is actually a pure soul. I feel somewhere she completes me, my emptiness, her theories on stars are so beautiful just like her, I hope I never loose you. I don't know what is happening to me but I just wanna be with you Gauri. Just with you!!

Pov end!

Because of his continuous caresses she disturbed and slightly open her eyes , just to see him staring at her in whole lost!! His trance of thought got broke he took off his hand! Both of them looked in each others eyes for seconds and then realizing their position, both of them hurriedly sat on them trying not to see in each others eyes!!

"sorry" he said, she didn't replied and went to washroom with no expression!!...

"oh no!! What I just did! I am such an idiot, don't know what will she be thinking about me!! " he said to himself, putting his palms on his heads and elbows on knees!! ...

In washroom, Gauri went towards mirror and look in to it... She didn't had any expression but suddenly she put her palms on her face!! She then slowly remove her palms just to see herself blushing like tomato, she had the brightest smile of her life on her face!! She just couldn't control her happiness but for what? That she slept with him no because he gave her happiness, his time, his concern, and most importantly hr gave her importance in his life...

"Mr omkara!! May be you doubted on me last night but you know what that shows how much I affect you" she says and looked at her blushing face, suddenly her smile vanished "but why do I affect you Mr...? I think I'm not even your friend we are just two strangers to might have living the same life but in different manners" she thought and her face become a lil worried.... She washed her face,took shower and came out and looked at him who was still on bad thinking something!! Just when he saw her coming he went towards her!! And stood in front of her!! Her wet hair, her numb face was completely mesmerizing...

"look Gauri!! I'm really not like that I don't know how that happened last night!!" He tried to explain whereas she didn't even think of last night in a while...

Gauri's POV!!

Offo jatadhari!! How I tell you now!! How beautiful night it was... It was the memorable night of my life!! I felt protective! I felt someone also care about me! Unlike others!! And i felt the world is under my feet i was complete last night!! I was complete!! Don't know this stupid feeling but yeah i just love to be with you!! And i always wanna be with you omkara! Just with you!!!

Pov end!!...

"i don't wanna talk about last night" she said and moved!! He held her hand...

"are you angry" he just said ..

She turned and looked at him, moved closer to him and locked her hands around his neck...

"no" she said...

"t...." He was about say something but she took her one hand back from his neck and put index finger on his lips! " shhh" she said paused and looked into his eyes..

"listen, it was me who let you kiss me, allowed you to come close to me and you know nor I'm like that nor you, so stop thinking about that ok" she said in most sweetest slow voice of her! Which gave him pleasure... "and yeah" she went near his ear by locking her hands again behind his neck.. "it was beautiful night" she whispered and get away from him, giggled and ran from there!! He stood there like statue... He was freeze!! He didn't know was it good or not.. But it was a blissful feeling... Her closeness gave him pleasure of world! Her fragrance was most beautiful fragrance he ever smelled... He blushed and sweet smile appeared on his face!! He went to bathroom, took shower and start getting ready for his event... After sometime she also came back to get ready and both of them get ready after almost 30 minutes and then they go out to their respective place where his all statue were!!.. Almost after 15 minutes the boy who last night misbehaved with Gauri came and went towards his position which was left opposite to their and both of them can see each other easily!! He looked at Gauri with cheap eyes om saw that and stood in between his interaction covering Gauri... Looking at his sudden change in his position Gauri asked him with her hands what happened he just nodded and started looking at him and her with a break.... It was now evening exhibition was almost end and all of his statues sold!! Both Gauri and om were super happy!! After the end of event they went to their guest room and packed their luggage which was not really much!! Hoped in car!! And he started driving... Gauri was looking out from window and wad lost somewhere;!

"hey Gauri!! Where have you lost" he asked..

"nothing just looking at these beautiful side, how peaceful it is na" she said while looking at the trees,mountains,small cottages which was passing!! And then looked at him with cutest face.... And then looked in front direction...

"you love all such things so much Haan?" He asked not looking at her..

"yup!! All these things give peace of mind and I love them so much" she said with excitement in her voice... And he looked at her gave a wide smile but kept silent.

"hey instead of going back let go somewhere! For a vacation, if you are free?" She said in excitement and then in a bit sad voice..

"lets go, where do you wanna go" he said and she got all happy with his positive reply!!....


(ok guys enough for now!! I hope I didn't bored you all?. Do tell how it is...

And Yes u can suggest me places! Where you would like to see them... )

Do comment how it is.. Next part as soon as possible...

Also I made a vm on RiKara do check it => https://youtu.be/MyIYcw0WZkI or type (O x G vm Tum Kon Piya)on YouTube. my YouTube channel name {Rahat Creation}....

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