An eye!

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"where do you wanna go?" He asked and she becomes all happy because of his positive response...

"umm!! Lets go in the direction where ever destiny takes" she said and he got all confused...

"what? I mean what does that mean?" He asked question mark on face!!

She turned on her seat "arey!! I mean just go straight and which ever place will come we'll stay there for sometime and enjoy it" she explained him!! With a wide smile on face!

"it sounds crazy" he mocked..

"I'm serious" turned back to correct position and made puppy face folding her hands...

"ok but what if we lost?" He asked...

"we will ask someone direction na" she said and wide smile again appeared on face...

"but its evening and in some time it will be night" he tried to not execute this stupid plan/trip!!

"why did you say lets go, when you just don't want to go" she became angry...

"ok fine! You are impossible" he mocked and smile..

"yes I'm" she smiled fully!!!

And he started driving....

They were going through beautiful trees,mountains,river, and after some time it was a dark night and they were all alone going in the road... There was no one except them!! He kept on driving! It was all silent they weren't taking!! She was admiring all the things passing through... Each thing had its own beauty!...

Mountains, shining by the light of moon in the dark night!

Rivers, waterfalls and its sound of flowing! Which was just giving peace of mind... And shade of moon which was visible in the water and it was following by the car!!

Small houses and cottages! Whole dark with one bulb hanging out on the door which illuminates the atmosphere!!

Everything was beyond perfection it was whole mesmerizing!! She was constantly looking out at the things from windows whereas he was admiring her time to time while driving!...

Unaware of the fact that some one is following them, they kept going!! After a while he noticed a car continuously following them! But he ignores because it was the only road! After sometime there came two directions but car followed the one in which they went!! Something struck his mind 'why is this car following them'... He fastened the car speed and the other car lost! He got relaxed, normal the speed...

But the person in car suspect him that he knew about him following them! And he drive in such a way that wont able to see him!! They saw a restaurant and stopped their car!

"I think we should eat something because I'm so hungry and may be you also?" He said.

"yeah lets go I'm also hungry" she said and both stoop out of car!

The eye which was on them were still following them! It was late in night and whole dark restaurant had only few people eating there and two staff members serving and taking orders from customers!! They went there and sit on table! Ordered food for themselves!! They ate their food and he asked a leave from her to go washroom... He leave her alone there on table whereas the other customers already went! It was only her even the staff members were also went into their kitchen!!! She was sitting alone, someone came from back put his hand on her mouth so couldn't shout and pick her up in his arms and start moving whilst Gauri bit in his hand and he removed his hand from her mouth! As soon as she found her mouth free she shouted "Omkaraaaaaa" loudest as could!! He again put his on her! "shhhhh!!!" Gauri saw his face he was the one who a night before asked her to spend a night with him!! Her eyes got wide she was shock... "what happen, shock to see me. Well you said no to me na now I will teach you lesson of saying no to me" she protested to save herself and because of her continues movement he got angry and put her down his car was a bit far and he couldn't wait till then to teach her a lesson...

"so you wanna save yourself right, now save" he said while she was crying and scared, she wanted to run from there but his grip on her elbow was so tight that she couldn't even able to move!! She was crying and starting shouting "Omkaraaaaa!! Help... Someone help!!" They were a bit far from restaurant so he thought Omkara wouldn't come... He start torn-ing her sleeves and back!! She was shouting!! She felt helpless just then someone hit him on his head!! It was Omkara, he was furious seeing him doing such cheap thing and he start beating him hardly and he someone ran from there to save his life otherwise Omkara might have killed him!! As soon as om saw him running he turned to Gauri who was in mid on road sitting and crying badly!! Her clothes were torn.. He went near her and hugged her (om is not wearing in kind of jacket he is in his usual clothes as in show) and putting his hand on her back he took her to car she was still crying! He give her water to drink but she didn't respond still crying clutching her not really torn clothes!! (they are on passenger seat) he came near her and she got afraid! He got confuse but understood her situation ... Assuring her that he is not going to do anything he got a but close to her ! And hugged her tightly! She was in his arms which was covering perfectly!! She was protected but she cried even more in his embrace.... She tried to speak but her words was stuck in her throat! He sshhd her to not speak!! He broke hug and caressed her hair and face and asked her not to cry she tried to stop crying but still her face was numb!!!

"good girl now tell me do have anything in your bag to wear?" He asked her cupping her face !! She nodded in negative because she had only two pair of suits and one she is wearing and other forgot in place they stayed...

"ohk!! I have a t-shirt you can wear can wear that I will get you that wait" he was going backward but she stopped him she was shivering and asked him not to leave her alone! He came a bit more near cupped her face again in assurance and hugged her again...

"no one will harm you when I'm here ok just 5 minutes and I will be back" his assurance made her a bit comfortable and she tried to give smile...

He got out of car and took his t-shirt for her! And came inside and gave it to her! She took his shirt from his hand!! He was still there sitting beside her she looked at him and he realise she cant change in front of him!

"you change I'm outside" he said and about to move but she hold his hand..

"turn opposite and don't look back until I say" she said because she didn't want to be alone she was still afraid...

Windows were already covered with shade so no outsider could look inside though there was no one on the road! ... She changed her clothes and informed him to move!! He looked at her with amaze he never saw her in such clothes before she was looking beautiful as usual... Bit she was uncomfortable!... He noticed her...

"its ok Gauri you can wear it!! And nothing will happen to you when I am here and now you sleep here and I will drive and we are going back" he took a pillow from back of seat and gave it to her! She just nodded because she was disturbed!! Disturbed with all that happened ....

He sat on driver seat and started driving and she laid on back seat to sleep! Though she wasn't able to sleep after the incident but she still laid... He was continuously looking at her from mirror and she was also... After sometime she fell asleep!... And he kept on driving!! .



(hello!! All type of ande,timatar,joote are welcome as I literally don't know what I wrote!! I actually wanted to write a kidnapping track but end up writing this! And I think this is serious thing and I shouldn't have write this but anyways I wont drag the situation and end this scenario soon!! So if any one who think this was violent so I'm sorry!)

Sorry for such track!

Hope it was bad!! Also m pathetic in romantic scene and mature contents so m really avoiding it but yeah I would write a bit of it! Taking some inspo from others! ;) ..

Question: Do you want them to confess their love any time soon in my story???...

Do comment how you like it or not!! What I shouldn't write!! All type of opinions welcome sorry for including such sensitive issue tough!!... Bye for now...

P.s. Sorry for being irregular!

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