Care and attraction

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He stopped his car outside her house. She opened the door and start to walk but she had become so weak because of continuous sneezes and coughs that she wasn't able to walk she was about to fell but she hold the car door and made herself stable to Stand he saw her and came out to help her and insisted to help her to reach at house door she was so weak that she wasn't able to walk when he saw her unstable he pick her up in his arm she asked what is he doing she will walk herself "really? I can see you how you will walk" he said and didn't listen anything from her and reached at door "open the door" he said and she was holding him by her both hands around his neck she pointed towards the purse which was lying down from her shoulder "what pick it up and open it" he said "no i won't loose hold i will fell" she said because she was scare of falling "trust me i won't make you fall" he said and she looked directly in his eyes and they had a eyelock of 10 sec then she loose her grip of one hand and still holding from other hand she picked up purse and gave him keys he opened the door and went inside and put her on the couch, her eyes was half close and looking at him he put his hand on her head it was heated as fever was striking her he again picked her up "where is your room" he asked she was confused why is he asking about her room "say?? You have high fever and you are not able to walk I will drop you to your room" he said and she pointed towards her right and he walk and put her on bed she was continuously coughing and sneezing. "oh god, do you have Vicks" he asked as her coughs and sneezes weren't stopping "yes" she said and pointed towards her dressing table and he started to search for Vicks and as he found it he sat beside her, both lost in each other he started applying Vicks on her nose and then slowly applying on her neck, she was breathing heavily because of his touch something was reacting in her body but was it because of his touch or the cold, she was confuse what was happening to her, he applied Vicks all over her front neck and asked her to turn back to apply Vicks on his back as well, she was troubling in turning, he helped her and looked at her back which was covered with her hairs, she was wearing half backless dress. he slowly remove her hair from her back and slowly started applying Vicks from her neck she was shivering because of his touch fire was flaming in her body he applied it all over her and turned her again and then asked her indirectly if he could apply Vicks on her chest as well she just nodded in positive but was uncomfortable he applied it on her cleavage and put blanket on her and stood up from there and looked at window so she won't feel uncomfortable anymore, "wow you can even see stars from your window" he said as he saw stars "you love stars so much na?" He continued "hmm" she only said that as she was half in sleep, he went near her and again checked her it was burning in heat he then went in kitchen took ice water and handkerchief and then again went in her room and sat next to her start putting wet handkerchief dipped in cold water on her head and continuous the process for sometime and then caressed her head until he was awake and then slept on same position beside her with his hand on her head.



Sun beams directly went on her eyes and she woke up fever was gone because of his treatment his hand was still on her head she looked at him she remove his hand and tried to sit but he was on her blanket and she was packed in it wasn't able to move when she tried he woke up "what are you doing" he stopped her and asked her to stay in blanket "I'm fine let me sit, you have blocked me, stand up from blanket" she said he stand up from there and helped her in sitting. "what are you doing here" she asked "you were so sick and I thought I shouldn't leave you alone you said you live with your brother there is no one" he said as he worried for her "actually my brother visit me just once a week he don't wanna live with me so he left me here alone" she desperately said and her her eyes became numb as he saw tears he tightly hugged her and she cried in his embrace he carefully caressed her from head to next and after she cried her heart out she wiped off her tears and asked him to go home as he was there with her all night his family might be worried, "you go home I have some work to do" she said "you work also? What do you do?" He asked as he was a bit shocked "yes I'm a fashion designer and I have to complete an order by today its deadline" she made a face " ahan its ok" he stood up,took two step and then forward it again whispered in his ear "will you come today?" "lets see" she said, oh wait why she said that didn't she comfortable? Or something else... He left Because he also had to do some work she was distracting him but he still concentrate on his work same was happening with her. It was evening he could not able to wait to meet her again.. He was finding comfort with her.


(hope you all liked it and hope I'm not making you bore do let me know how it is. If you find any mistake tell me I will edit it..)

Thank you for time! ;)

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