In your embrace

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"I don't wanna listen anything get out of my room" he shouted turned in opposite direction.

"no I'm not going, you have to listen to me because whatever you saw, was not complete" she yelled at him and went in front of him, she stood looking in eyes. He tried to move again but she held him tightly from shoulders though he could easily get away from her hold but he didn't as his heart wanted to know why she said that.

"I was just trapping him when he asked me how much I want I hit him badly and left from there." She yelled at him as loud as she could. He was just glaring at her.

"I am not that type of girl who will sell herself for money" she said while pissing her teeth and now she was looking at him disgust, how could he even think that about her.

His eyes filled with tears, he thought for a while that he will loose her "I'm sorry" he apologized with his heart.

She hit him in his chest as hard as she could "how could you think that how could you" she started crying while hitting him and then rest on her chest and crying very badly as someone very close to her pointed finger on her, his disbelief on her hurt her more then anything else in this world.

He was feeling guilty as without knowing everything he pointed finger on her, he pulled her away from him as she didn't reply to his apology and was just crying continuously. He wiped of her tears and asked her not to cry she nodded and tried to control her tears which was still falling on her cheeks. He held her from shoulder and asked her to look in his eyes...

"I'm really really sorry please don't cry or else I will also cry with you" he said and cupped her face and she slightly laugh while crying on his statement of him also crying and again lightly hit him his chest and hugged him

"I'm not that type of girl" she again said this line because she didn't want him to ever doubt her and her character..

"I know and I'm sorry I'm really sorry for doubting on you" he pulled her and cupped her face again... They were looking in each others eyes deeply..

"won't you forgive me?" He questioned because she was not replying just looking in his eyes.

"first promise me you would never ever doubt on me" she said with no expressions.

"never ever I will do this mistake" he slowly said caressing her face and hair..

"then I forgive you" she said and give a smile with tight lips.

He looked on her beautiful smile which was making her look even more gorgeous. He held her from waist pulled her into his chest his one hand was enough to grab her full waist her face hit on his chest and her lips touched his coat which had now mark of her lipstick she lift her head up and looked in his eyes who was already looking at her with hunger, He held her wrist and slowly slide his fingers on her fingers and entwined in each others fingers both were holding each others hand tightly, her heartbeat was getting fast as much she was looking in his glowing eyes. He tight his grip from waist more that there was no space for air to pass. he looses his hand from her and put that hand also on her waist and picked her up a little and bit her lower lip passionately she was shocked what he was doing he continued kissing her but she was not responding he stopped and looked at her she was in shock but blushing at the same time he kissed her again and now she was also responding she put her both hands around his neck pulling him closer to her, they broke kiss to breath but still holding each other tightly very close to each other. he picked her up in bridal style and took her to bed, he made her lay on bed and he fell flet on her. He started kissing softly all over her neck where as she was breathing very heavily, he gave soft wet kisses all over her neck and then kissing her lower cheeks and slowly moved towards her lips and start bitting her lower lips and then sucked her lips tightly she was responding to his kiss ,her hands was on the back of his shoulder pulling him closer to her, they were tasting each others taste there tongues were dancing, they broke the kiss when they felt less oxygen, he moved to her belly, she was wearing layer cut dress because of which her belly was visible he kissed softly all over her belly putting dress layers aside, he went up and kissed her cleavage which was visible, she breathe heavily, he put his hand on her waist sliding it on back which was doing magic all over her back and waist she was loving his sweet torture, she rolled him on bed and now she was on top of him, she opened two buttons of his heart and sucked his chest, leaving red spots, she went up to his face and gave a soft kiss on his rough lower bearded cheeks and then slowly went to his lips and gave a small peck of kiss and hide his face on his chest. He rolled her down on his arm she was now in his embrace, her hand was on his torso holding him tightly he kissed her forehead and she tighten her grip, his hand was on her shoulder which also tighten his grip and they both slept in each others embrace peacefully!...


(hey guys I'm really sorry I don't know what happened, I wrote this part almost of 1700+ words but it just posted only 700 and it was really hurting to see your hard work didn't published and u don't even have backup but I wrote it again, though I skip the morning scene which I will post in next part. I also forgot so much what I write :( but leave that I will give you best from mine.. + do comment how it is.)

Again sorry for inconvenience,

Hope I didn't bored you!!

I love comments please do comment!

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