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Seven Months Until the Wedding

"So how was day one of wedding planning?" Giovanni asked while we were eating dinner

I mustered just enough energy to cook a standard meal by the time he made it home.

"It was.... a bit overwhelming, but we got a lot of things done."


"Actually, it was more of us talking about getting a lot of things done."

"My mom wasn't too controlling was she?"

"No, actually, she was really helpful. She's so organized."

"That's good. Maybe after dinner, you can walk me through everything."

"Really? You want to know details?"

"It's my wedding too, right?" he chuckled

"Yeah, it is." I laughed

After dinner, Giovanni did the dishes and put away the remaining food. I talked his ear off about the wedding plans, but he listened to every word, he even asked questions.

"My groomsmen are going to be: Giorgio, Dom, Fons, and Daunte."

I wrote down the names and made it a point to call Carla tomorrow and tell her.

"Your mother is expecting us to marry at a church." I told him

"Is that what you want?"

"I don't know. What do you want?"

"I mean it is a tradition."

"That's fine. Which church?"

"I never had to think about all of that."

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"So now I have to find a catholic church for us to get married in."

"We have to find a catholic church. I'm here to help."

I walked over to him and gave him a big hug. He rubbed my back with his hand.

"Can we just push a fast forward button?" I asked him

"Speaking of fast forwarding, do you have any ideas on where you want to go for our honeymoon?"

I pulled away.

"Haven't we been everywhere?" I groaned

"Not quite."

"Did you have any places in mind?" I asked

"Well, I was thinking, maybe Greece?"


"Yeah, we could look somewhere else if you want to."

"No, Greece would be perfect!" I smiled

"I'll get some things in order then."

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