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32 Weeks

After a month of avoiding the courtroom, I just couldn't stay away. Giovanni's phone calls were like horrible teasers and I just couldn't stand not being there.

I didn't tell anyone I was coming for fear that they would try to stop me. I purposely arrived at the courthouse fifteen minutes late so that the family wouldn't make a fuss.

When I opened the heavy court room entrance doors, a lot of heads turned around to face me. Gabi's eyes grew wide as she saw me waddling over with my huge belly. She immediately came to assist me, while Carla shook her head at me. She placed me in the middle of herself and Carla, which made it all the more uncomfortable.

Giovanni's back was to me so he didn't know that I arrived and I made it a point to keep quiet so he wouldn't become upset during the day. Of course, his family chose to sit as close as possible to him as they did everyday and it would be a matter of time before he caught sight of me.

"What are you doing here?" Carla whispered harshly

"I needed to see him." I pouted

She stared at me before rolling her eyes. She grabbed my hand gently and held it in the most comforting way possible. I smiled at her and a tear nearly dropped from my eye, but I managed to keep it at bay.

I listened attentively as Matteo questioned witnesses and consulted with Giovanni quietly. I watched Giovanni's features every time someone spoke. His chiseled chin would clinch when someone said anything negative about him. He would write things down if something interested him.

I thought that spending all this time away from him would lessen my love for him, but seeing him in person, just made it grow. I wanted to reach out to him and caress his face when he was upset. I urged to kiss him when his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.


The sudden kick made me jump a little. Carla looked over to me with concern and I gripped her hand harder. I began taking control of my breathing and lifted our intertwined hands and brought them to my stomach so she could feel.

"Are you okay?" she asked

I nodded my head slowly as I took long breaths. This continued for ten minutes straight, but I managed to pull through.

I tuned back into the scene just as Matteo rested his case. The closing arguments began and I was enthralled by Matteo's theatrics. I glanced at a few jury members who seemed to be just as focused on the performance in front of them.

After the State was done with their last rebuttal, the jury members deliberated. I knew it could be awhile so I signaled to Gabi that I wanted to leave and she followed me up.

"I can't believe you came." she said to me once we were in the hall

"I had to. I didn't even know that they would begin deliberations today."

"He's going to be pissed." she smiled

"He'll be alright."

"Let's get you some food."

"Sounds good to me."

As we sat down to eat a couple of sandwiches, she rubbed my belly.

"Do you want to hear the verdict?" she asked me

"...I don't know. I... just hope it's what I want to hear."

"We all do. Maybe we can just stay out here." she offered

"I think...that might be a good idea."

After we finished eating, we slowly walked back to the outside of the court room. We sat on the bench that was located right across from the doors. We hoped that Giovanni would walk out of them.

We talked for hours, it seemed like. The doors finally opened and out walked Carla and Francesco with an unreadable expression. I jumped to my feet, ready to ask questions, before I saw Giovanni free from restraints.

We saw each other and he didn't waste a moment before he stepped towards me. He towered over me with an emotionless expression. His mouth slowly turned into a grin as he leaned down to kiss me. I went to pull away, but he held me as gently as he could against him.

"I thought I told you to stay home." he finally said

I had tears in my eyes and I sniffed vigourously.

"Are you coming home?" I asked him

"Yes." he nodded

I smiled at him and the waterworks began. He pulled me into a gentle hug and rubbed my back.

"There's cameras out there." I heard Matteo say

"Cameras?" I asked as I pulled away with tears clouding my vision

"Haven't you heard? 'CFO of Amantè & Co. jailed for conspiracy to commit murder'." Giovanni said


"Our stocks are plummeting. We'll probably be broke by the end of the month." He informed

I stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" I repeated

"Are you okay with being poor for awhile?"


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