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22 weeks

"Case AG-0612: The United States versus Giovanni Amantè."

Giovanni hadn't seen the outside world in nearly a week, yet he still managed to be the best looking man in the room.

Matteo stood beside me as Giovanni's case was called. He moved toward the front of the courtroom while I remained seated next to Gabi in the front row.

Giovanni looked around the courtroom for me and once he found me, he smiled sheepishly. I smiled at him even though I was angry. He looked towards my stomach and I nodded signaling that the twins were okay.

The attorneys for both sides were introduced before the judge began speaking.

"Mr. Amantè is charged with racketeering and conspiracy to murder. How does your client plead?" The judge asked Matteo

"Not guilty."

"The United States government would like to request no bail or bond for the defendant. He is a flight risk and we have reason to believe that he will flee to avoid persecution." the prosecutor began

"Mr. Amantè is not a flight risk. His wife is currently pregnant, it is highly unlikely that he will evade trial." Matteo countered

"His wife is only five months pregnant. She is still able to travel. The defendant has a private plane at his disposal, your honor."

"It is unlikely that Mr. Amantè would put his wife at such a risk in this stage of her pregnancy. We are requesting bail."

The judge pondered before picking up his gavel.

"Request for bail has been denied. Mr. Amantè's trial date will be set in the near future. Counselors be advised of trial notices. Next case."

My breath caught in my throat. Giovanni would remain in jail until his court date.

Matteo spoke to Giovanni for a few seconds before a bailiff escorted him back through the door he came in.

Matteo made his way over to me and held out his hand to help me up. We walked out of the court room and outside.

"What now?" I asked him

"We continue preparing for trial and then we wait."

"What am I supposed to do until then?"

"You can visit him."

"Where are they holding him?"

"He's in Manhattan. I'll get you the address and any other information."

I nodded, "thank you."

"We're going to need to talk about the upcoming trial."

"You and I?"


"I thought I wasn't supposed to know anything."

"You might be subpoenaed. We need to go over some details."

"Okay." I nodded

"We'll be in touch."

Our car arrived at the bottom of the court steps. I said my farewell to Matteo and Gabi held my hand as we walked down the stairs.

Samuel opened the back seat door for us and we got in. I was silent during the ride, playing with my wedding ring.

"Do you want some ice cream?" Gabi offered

"Um. No, I'm fine."

"What about tacos with sour cream?"

"I'm not hungry." I said quietly

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