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After a two week honeymoon, Giovanni and I moved into our new home, or should I say estate. The first few nights were very weird and I found it hard to sleep. So while Giovanni was sleeping, I would tour the entire house, converse with the guards (who were posted in almost every corner) and then I would find myself in the kitchen making a midnight snack.

The midnight snack, which is more like a two am feast for me, was my favorite part. With a refrigerator stocked with a surplus amount of food, I would prepare something for myself and a few of the guys who were in the area.

Tonight, I was craving a turkey bacon grilled cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes. I knew the sandwich would be dry so I experimented with grape jelly. When I offered the guards some, they declined.

I washed it all down with a glass of milk. Any other time, I would have gagged at the thought of putting jelly on a meat sandwich or drinking milk with one, but it sounded so delicious.

I was right too. And once I finished that one, I made another. Once I was stuffed, I trudged my way back to the master bedroom and curled up next to Giovanni. Except, he wasn't in bed.

"Where did you go?" he asked me in the darkness

He was standing in the doorway of our bathroom. I nearly had a heart attack.

"Jesus," I whispered, "I was hungry."

"You've been leaving bed every night since we've moved here." He noted

He turned on the bedside lamp, which resulted in me shielding my eyes.

"It's weird being here, it's so foreign."

"Are you at least getting used to it?" He asked concerned

"Yeah. I tour the house and I meet the guards and eat some food." I explained

"Every night?"

"Yeah." I nodded

"What do you eat?" he asked

"Whatever I want." I shrugged

"And you never bring me any?" he pouted

"You're supposed to be sleeping."

"No, you're supposed to be sleeping."

"Well it's hard to sleep unless I'm full."

"Or maybe because you sleep all day."

"I do not. I've just been sleeping in."

"Mhmm hmm, sure." he said turning the light off

He pulled me closer into him as he got comfortable. He kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.



I opened my eyes quickly as my stomach began to hurt. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten all that dairy last night.

I looked at the bedside clock and it was nearly five. I quickly hopped up and went to relieve my stomach. Giovanni was in the shower when he saw me rush in to the toilet.

As I sat down, I began to feel worse.

"See what happens when you eat late at night?" Giovanni teased

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