That's My Job

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              Jule's POV
     Fighting. The only way I know how to relieve stress. Something about punching someone clear across their face calms me. It night sound bad, but its the way I am.
     I left street fighting awhile back cause my mom started getting panic attacks because of me. I haven't for almost year, but here I am again. Beating the hell out of myself because I'm angry at myself for what I've caused with Illi. Damn if she found out about this, she'd start getting panic attacks again.
     "Winner... SANTOS!" The man yells, holding my arm up as the man I just beat struggles to get up. I don't offer to help him up, instead I walk to where I put my stuff.
     "I knew I'd be able to find you here," Marcus's voice says. I close my eyes and turn around to see him. He strides the rest of the way over. "Don't worry. I didn't tell Venus or Illi why we're here." My eyes widen.
    "Why'd they come?" I ask in a way that didn't sound rude.
     "Mom said to get them out of the house while her and dad have some alone time. I didn't want them having to hear all of that, so their back there together. Venus is looking around like the curious cat that got killed, and Illi is holding onto her for dear life."
    I chuckle and grab my shirt. "Let's go. And don't laugh when she beats me up." He laughs as we walk to where they are.
     "Ah, your not a complete idiot after all. Unless you two have some weird parabatai connection," Venus says. Illi looks at me but doesn't walk over. Instead, she walks to corner where the alleyway entrance.  They look at me with confused expressions. 
     "I'll be back, I have to fix something," I say. Just as I begin to make my way over the guy I was fighting goes up to her. She looks around awkwardly. I get close enough to hear what he's saying.
    "What's a pretty little girl like you doing around here?" He asks her. She crosses her arms over her chest.
     "I'm not a little girl," she says. He smirks at her. "I should get back to-"
    "Don't leave now. I've just met you. You look like a good time," he tells her.
    "I'm not," she says, walking away from him. He grabs her arm.
    "Come on, baby. Let's just-"
    "Leave her alone," I say, finally walking up. He smirks at her. She tries yanking her arm out of his grasp.
    "Come on. She looks like a good one. Just a run then you can have her," he says. I push him back from her, but he keeps his arm on her arm. He takes a deep breath. There's no way this guy is going to let her go.
    "Want me to beat your ass again?" He laughs and looks at her ass.
    "No, but I'll sure as hell beat hers," he says, licking his lips. She looks up me.
    "Fine, but you better be quick," she says. He smirks and pulls her to the alley. I grab him by the back of his shirt and turn him around, hitting him square in the jaw. He regains his balance and tackles me from the waist, making me hit the wall.
    I groan, but don't act on the pain. I push him back and slam his head into the brick wall. He collapses onto the ground. I bend down and check his pulse, which is there thankfully.
      I stand and make my way back over to Illi. She looks up at me with scared eyes. "I-is he okay?" She asks.
    "He's alive. I'm not sure about okay, but he'll live," I say. She goes to walk away. I grab her arm. She his in pain. Blood runs down her arm from fingernail marks. "Thank bastard." I go to turn back around, but she takes my hand.
     "I'm okay," she says. That scared look hasn't left. I run my hands up and down her arms and press her against a wall gently. Looking into her eyes, I lean down slowly and kiss her.
    Our lips move together perfectly. She rests her hands on my waist, pulling me closer. Neither of us make it heated, we keep it slowly and loving. "Thank you for protecting me," she says. I smirk.
    "That's my job." She smiles and wipes blood off my eyebrow. "Lets go clean you up." I throw my arm over her shoulder and we walk back over to Marcus and Venus.
       She sits on the counter in my bathroom with the rubbing alcohol and swab in hand. "Look at me," she says. I do as she tells me. I wince when she presses it to the cut on my lip.
    "Were you really going to have sex with him?" She scuffs. "Of course you weren't."
     "I knew you would do something, so I had to get him off guard so it'd be easier," she says. I smirk and lean in, resting my hands in her thighs.
     "That's my girl," I say. She smiles.
     "Your touching me," she says. I grin. "Thank you."
    "I'm sorry for the way I was acting. It's just, I have that fear of becoming like my father. I know you didn't know I was hurting you, and neither did I, but I was. I love you and will never lay a hand on you in a abusive, aggressive, forceful way."
   She sets the swab down and wraps her legs around my waist. "I know. I love you." I kiss the tip of her nose, making her giggle.
    "Now let's get to bed."

AN: This was a little but of his guilty side, requested by @BookwormCrazy1105. Comment a side of him or her you want to see next!!! Share! Stay alive |-/               -Veah

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