Goodbyes are tough!

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"Little brown girl is out byeeeee!!!" just as i was finishing my outro, my phone rang. it was gabbie. was i a bad friend for wishing that it was David instead? 

"hey Gabbs, whats up?" i put my phone to my ear as i shut down my camera and took it off the tripod. 

"are you by any chance doing anything today, because i have to catch a flight tonight and i need help packing? David's coming over soon, so you wanna lend a helping hand?" i was already going to say yes but as soon as Gabbie had mentioned his name, my eyes lit up and i knew that it was a MUST to go and help. 

"yeah, sure thing Gabbie, let me just grab a shower and then i will be right over. see you soon!" David and i have known each other for a month now and we have been hanging out non-stop, every now and then we will sneak a kiss in here and there, but to be honest i don't know where it is going. what is he just wants to be a casual thing? "come on Liza, stop talking like that! your stressing out over nothing!" i said to myself as i got into the shower. i still could not stop smiling at just the thought of seeing him today.  

"liza!!!!" gabbie pulled me into a hug as she opened the door for me. i hugged her back and walked into her apartment. david walked out from Gabbie's kitchen and a smile instantly spread across both of our faces. 

"hey, little brown girl!!" 

"david!" we both hugged each other, a little too long for a normal friendly hug which i think Gabbie picked up on as she broke up our hug by asking david and i to help her lay out her clothes that were tossed up onto the bed. 

i dont know why but lately, gabbie seems to be acting weird when david and i are together. she always manages to take one us away, or breaks up any moment that david and i are sharing. was she jealous? surely not, right? 

"alright, kiddies, i have to run to the store real quick are you both gonna be ok here?" i felt like she was parenting us. like yeah Gabbie, we have been alone before!

"no gabbie, we are gonna throw a party! yes of course we are going to be ok alone for a less than five minutes!" david rebutted with sarcasm evident in his voice. Gabbie just rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her, leaving David and i laughing as she left.  i wanted to know if david had picked up on her strange behaviour so i asked him as we got up and sat next to each other on the bed. 

"hey David, have you been noticing how strange Gabbie has been acting lately when we are hanging out? i don't know if it is just me or not? probably just in my head."

"thank god! i thought it was just me noticing it. yeah what's up with her at the moment? is she jealous of our friendship or something?" 

"i dont know, but it feels that way. we haven't been excluding her have we? i mean i see her literally at least three times a week!"

"not that i have been aware of, i still see her enough times per week." just as we were talking we head the door knob being turned. Gabbie was back. 

"hey, you got what you needed?" we both asked innocently. she nodded and sat next to her suitcase on the floor. she zipped it up and then checked her phone. 

"alright i have to head off, thanks guys for helping today!" she seemed to be in a bit of a better mood than what she was before but something still seemed off. David pulled her in for a hug first and then i moved in and went for hug. we all walked out from her apartment and helped her into her cab. 

once she left, david and i looked at each, unsure as to what to do now. 

"so, do you wanna go out for a coffee or something?" he asked me making my heart flutter. i nodded my head and we walked hand in hand to the starbucks around the corner from Gabbie's apartment. 

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