home is where the heart is

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it's funny how everything in your life was falling apart and then in the split of a second, it does a full 360 and you feel like your on top of the world. thats exactly what happened between me and Liza. 

i woke up with her still cuddled up tightly in my arms, her hair sprawled over the pillow and the coconut scent drifting into my noise. there was nowhere else in this world where i would rather be than here and this time we are going to do this right. 

laying in bed made me think back to the last 24 hours and what had happened. what i didn't tell Liza was that before she came around to my hotel room, i had a dream about what life would have been like if we had stayed apart. Liza was so different and unhappy, and i, well i went against everything that i had believed in and proposed to a girl that i had only been with for no more than a year. never wanted to that dream to become a reality and i was going to do everything i could to prevent that from happening. i was going to hold onto my little brown girl forever and never let go. 

i could feel Liza begin to stir in my arms and finally her still sleepy brown eyes fluttered awake, staring up at me in all of my morning glory! 

"mmm, what time is it?" she mumbles into my chest, her body still waking up and adjusting to the sunlight creeping in through the window. i look over at my phone sitting on the bedside table, and read back to Liza that it was 9:30. 

"i have to go back to LA today baby, i have brand deals lined up and appearances that i need to appear in!" She looks down at bare chest with sadness in her eyes. 

"i forgot that i sold my apartment. are you sure you have to leave?" her eyes were not the only thing that was sad, her voice was too.

"yes pookie, im so sorry. trust me if i didn't have to go i wouldn't but you know how important these deals are for me." i kissed her on the forehead when i got an idea my head. 

"why don't you fly back with me and stay at my place for a little while, just until you find another place to live. that is if you want to come back to LA..." her small brown head pops up from my chest once again this time with hope in her eyes. 

"i'd thought you'd never ask!" we both share a giggle before we finally get up from the bed. Liza goes back home to pack all of her stuff up again while i pack my case and leave the hotel, meeting liza at the airport. 

*time skip to on the plane* 

"hey dave...i've been thinking" 

"hmm..." i look up at her from my phone, while sitting on the plane, ten minutes away from landing. 

"maybe we shouldn't tell our friends that we are together, at least just for the moment. same for the fans. i just want it to be just you and I for a little while, you know for caution." 

"i couldn't agree more. anything for you sweetheart. how about we give it a month and then if we feel like we are ready, then we will tell everyone. for now lets just pretend we are friends nothing more in front of them." 

"theres one little problem though... what are we going to tell Alex and Dom considering i will be sleeping with you in your bed for the time being until i find another place"

"dont worry, we will sort that out when we get to it, let's just take one moment at a time, because we now have the rest of our lives to figure out what we want to do"  

the rest of the flight ran smoothly, we both collected our luggage and ubered back to my shared apartment. the look on the boy's faces when we both walked through the front door was beyond priceless. if i had not started to explain things sooner, i swear their chins would have hit the floor. 

"ok, before you guys start firing questions at us, let me explain. Liza and i talked back in Houston ad we sorted things out but we are friends, nothing more. and since Liza sold her apartment here she needs a place to stay for a little while so she is staying in my room." before they could bombard liza and i with questions we made a run for my room, shutting the door behind us, collapsing on the bed straight after it had closed. 

"so when we said we wouldn't tell anyone, does that include our best friends, cause i feel i owe it to gabbie since she helped me through everything and i feel bad keeping it from her." 

"i was about to ask the same thing, like Alex was there for me and giving me advice. he's like a brother to me, he kinda deserves to know.' i respond. we both agreed to tell only our best friends  of our relationship in the morning. 

i could hear Liza yawning as i held her in my arms, her head resting upon my chest, both of our bodies hidden under neath the blankets on my bed. 

"are you tired baby girl" i ask her, giving her head a quick peck while waiting for her response. a muffled response comes seconds later.

"a little bit babe" i give her head another kiss. she sounded so cute and tired. 

"have a rest baby, we can unpack and talk to our mates later. the flight kinda took all of my energy as well!" before we began to doze off in each others arms, i felt the need to say one more thing. this was taking  leap of faith for me to say to her after all we had been through but yet, it was only her that i could imagine saying it to. 

"i love you Liza" she tired head slowly lifted from my chest and her sweet eyes connecting with mine, a smile and warming smile spread across her face. 

"i love you to david" 

we really were back home, and liza was finally back in my arms. i couldn't ask for a better moment than right now. 

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