The Ring

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Tomorrow, I'm going to ask her. my heart is racing just thinking about it. I knew that for someone as special as Liza I was going to need to do something amazing, but what? my thoughts were interrupted by Gabbie waving her hand in my face. 

"David! I've been calling your name for over a minute now! are you still alive!" I shake my head away from her hand. 

"Gabbie, geez! you don't have to yell I'm right here!" she rolls her eyes at me and crosses her arms in a stern way. 

"Well, it feels like your not, whats going on with you. you've been distant all week, and I'm not the only one that has noticed either, all of the squad has. Geez, David, the last time I saw you like this was when shit went down with Liza a couple of months ago." i didn't want to tell gabbie that I was going to ask her out, mainly because that girl cannot keep a secret! but i went against my insecurities and i told her. 

"I'm going to ask Liza to be my girlfriend tomorrow, i just don't know how" her mouth drops in shock!

"FINALLY!! it what only took you four months to man up and grow a pair of balls!"i looked at her with a look of disgust. 

"see this is why i don't tell you things!" she laughs and sits herself down next to me on the couch.

"oh David I'm only playing, but this is serious! you only have until tomorrow to figure out a plan. have you got any ideas at all?" 

"i know this is serious thats why I'm freaking out here gabbie!"i whined and put my head in my hands. "what if i mess it all up and she doesn't want to be my girlfriend, or worse, she realises how lame i am and finds someone so much better, who can create identical ascetically pleasing Instagram pages!" gabbie laughs even harder at my pain and wraps her arms around me. 

"awwww David thats not going to happen, she can't stop talking about you and she clearly loves you! now, get up and get cleaned up, I'm going to help you plan the perfect day for tomorrow! now come on!" she says standing up in front of me, her hand wrapped around my wrist. "we have to get planning and i know just where to start!" i rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm and as we were walking towards my car i stopped her. 

"hey Gabbie" she turned around to look at me, confused as to why the sudden stop. 

"what, your not backing our are you because if you are Dobrik i swear to god..." i laughed at her insanity. 

"Gabbie, calm down I'm not backing out, i just wanted to say thank you. thank you for always being there and for being my best friend." she smiled at me and embraced me in a cuddle, but quickly pulled away. she was back into business mode!  


i couldn't stop staring at the ring that had just been made. i held a small gold banded ring with a round shaped grey pebble placed directly in the middle of it. Gabbie and i had been brainstorming ideas all day and then the idea came to me. we had been sitting in my apartment when the box full of the rocks caught my mind. the Gabbie gave me the idea of turning one of the rocks into something special for Liza, and thats exactly what i did! 

"is there anything else that we need before we leave target?" i said as i looked into the shopping cart that i was pushing around the store. it had been filled to the brim. when Gabbie said that she would help me out, i didn't realise that she would make me buy the whole of target! 

she pulled out the list on her phone that she had made earlier. "hmmmm, we have the fairy lights, Liza's favourited scented candles, her favourite snacks and chocolates, and of course the ring, so nope i think that we have everything." 

"so we can go now?" i questioned gabbie as i gave her a pleading look. she laughed at my pain of shopping and agreed to leave, after making me pay for everything, including some clothes and makeup that she had managed to add to the cart along the way!

all of the bags were put into the boot of my car for tomorrow and gabbie and i had devised the plan to distract liza while i get everything set in her apartment. i was so nervous. i dropped gabbie off at her place and then drove back to mine. just as i got inside i got a text from liza. 

"Hey, whats up?" i responded straight away.

"not much you?" 

"just having a breather at dancing. i seriously can't wait to get home and have a shower!!!! i have been here since five in the morning!" i just remembered that Liza's dance completion team had just opened up a new dance studio here in LA. I remembered gabbie mentioning that her team was quite big back in texas. i think it was something called ALDC, or something like that! 

"awww, feel for you. I'm gonna head off to sleep, but stay safe and have a great night! night little brown girl" i waited for her response to come through.

"haha thnx Dave! night bigger white boy! haha night" 

i just laid on my back staring up at my ceiling for at least an hour, creating scenes of tomorrow in my head, thinking of every scenario that could happen, good and bad. i couldn't believe that i was really going to do, that me, David Dobrik, was going to ask the amazing and beautiful Liza Koshy to be my girlfriend. fingers crossed it all goes to plan. 

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