One year Later...

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*short disclaimer- Davids new gf will b played by Troian Bellisario and Liza's bf will be played by Tyler Blackburn*

"Hey crazy davey and his better half are here!" the squad yell out as Spencer and i walkthrough the back doors to Scott and Kristen's new home. we greeted everyone of our friends with hugs and kisses on the cheek along with wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving. 

Spencer and i known each other since high school but we lost contact when she went off to Penn state and i moved down here to LA, but a few months after experiencing my very first heartbreak we met up again and discovered that we both really loved each other. she is the girl of my dreams and is the only one for me. Little does Spencer know that this is not going to be any ordinary thanksgiving party, but at the end of the night im going to be putting a diamond ring on that finger of hers. 

i got pulled from my thoughts as i felt Spence tug at my arm begging for me to dance to Havana with her, and i mean how could i say no to such a beautiful face! i could feel the swore ring box in my pocket pushing against my leg, hoping that she will not notice. the whole vlog squad are in on my plans as well, we've been planning this for months. 

as we were dancing through numerous songs, i heard more people arriving and a strangely familiar voice coming from the doors. Gabbie was the first to rush over to the newly arrived pair and it wasn't until gabbie pulled away from a hug with them when i could finally see who had joined the party. 

my both dropped and i felt my whole body freeze. standing at the back doors was no other than Liza and Sam. i hadn't seen nor heard from her ever since i walked out from her house back in Houston a year ago. actually now that i think of it, the majority of the sward hadn't heard from her ever since that. she kinda just cut everyone off apart from a select few such as Gabbie and Alex. 

her and i locked eyes with one another but i turned my glance away and put all of my attention back onto Spencer whom had just witnessed my shock at the guests. she knew all about the liza fiasco and what had actually happened so she knew by the look on my face who she was. 

"should we go and say hi to them?" she asks me, not wanting to seem impolite. i didn't want to but i knew that Spencer was right. hand in hand, we made our way over to Liza and her couch of a boyfriend Sam. Liza was the first one to speak. 

"David! hey oh my god long time no see! how are you, how have you been!?" she asked me, with an excitable smile on her face. it honestly felt weird seeing her and hearing her voice again but the weirdest part of it was that this was the very first time since meeting liza where i haven't felt any affection towards her. she pulls me into an awkward hug which lasts no longer than three seconds. 

"hey yeah Im really good actually, hbu?" i ask her, weaving my hand around Spencer's waist. 

"yeah really good just graduated from college and Sam and i are actually looking for an apartment together!" she says looking up at the guy standing next to her. i smile and nod with every word she says.

"congratulations you two. speaking of moving into together, ill like you both to meet my girlfriend Spencer, we just finished furnishing our new home together!" i pull her close into me as she shakes both of their hands. i glance quickly at liza and im surprised to find her facial expression had changed into a more disappointed look when i mentioned my girlfriend. im sure that its nothing! 

"Dave here actually surprised me with the house on our anniversary and as of a month ago we have been living in what we like to call clickbait mansion!" Spence and i laugh at her last comment. this time i notice that liza looks down to the ground and gives a small eye roll before she sparks up another conversation.

"hey by the way congratulations on your new Tesla! Gabbie told me that you finally invested in your dream car!" i smile and give my thanks. it felt so awkward just standing there with my ex-girlfriend who clearly has a problem with me moving on and my now girlfriend whom i am planning to spend the rest of my life with!!

the night progressed with very little drama's occurring and everything seemed to be going to plan. finally the time had come and everyone had gotten into their positions like we had rehearsed. Scotty grabbed his bottle of beer and raised it into order to give a speech. 

"welcome everyone, ill just like to say happy thanksgiving to everyone and that our dear friend Davey here has something he would like to say, over to you dave" this was my shot. i stood up and i could feel everyones eyes on me. there was only two confused looks coming from two people, Spencer and Liza. i took a breath and began my speech, feeling nervous but excited at the same time.

"thanks scott! happy thanksgiving to everyone! many of you here tonight have been planning something very special with me for the past few months now and finally the time has come!" i turn to face Spence who looks even more confused than she was before. 

"Spencer, although we have only been dating for a year, we have known each other since our very first days of high school. two months before i ran into this beautiful i stopped believing in love all together but thanks to that unplanned meet up in starbucks, you have made me believe in it all over again." i grab the ring box out from my pocket and bend down on one knee. Spencer eyes were welling up with tears and she had a massive smile on her face. 

"will you, Spencer Troian Hastings, marry me?" i open the ring box to reveal the ring that i had got custom made for her. her eyes opened wider than before and tears were spilling from her eyes. she nodded her head previously before making out the word yes! i count hold back my tears anymore either. i slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her in for a very long and steamy kiss! everyone around us was awwwwwing or crying tears of joy. 

after the celebrations had died down from everyone and the celebrations continued i looked around to only find Liza walking away from Sam and leaving the party early

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after the celebrations had died down from everyone and the celebrations continued i looked around to only find Liza walking away from Sam and leaving the party early. i pulled away from Spencer and told he that i needed to go and get something from my car. her and Kristen continued to gawk over her new piece of jewellery. 

Liza was throwing her bag into her car when i came up beside her. "hey are you ok? your not leaving are you? the parties only just begun!" she gave a small forced smile

"yeah im just tired thats all and i have a lot of unpacking to do and apartment hunting and sleep!" something didn't seem right so i kept pushing her to open up.

"Liza come on, i know somethings up, i mean you've been off ever since i introduced Spence to you, whats going on?" she looked up into my eyes and shook her head away

"its just a shock thats all" she said with a lot of attitude in her voice. 

"whats a shock exactly liza? that i moved on from you, that im happy that there is something else for me in this world!" i started to get angry. 

"yes ok, yes! i didn't expect nor did i want to see you another girl." 

"you don't get to be the only one to move on Liza, you didn't want me remember, i tried but you fell in love with Sam. you know, this is typical Liza always trying to make it all about her and gets her way. i actually thought that maybe we could put our past behind us and become friends but i don't want to have anything to do with someone who is so self absorbed and jealous of another persons happiness because she wasn't the one who got the ring. news flash this isn't the Liza show." i yelled at her, stomping away after my last word. i couldn't believe her. if she wanted to be with me she would have called instead of starting a new relationship with Sam but she chose him and i respected that. 

she needs to understand that i don't love her anymore and she needs to move on, for good. 

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