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yet another month has passed and things between David and i have become more intense! (nothing to sexual ya little nasties!). Its been four months as of today since the big incident and i know now that i am ready to start a relationship with David. 

I'm on my way over to David's place now to hang out and to film a bit. i glance over at the passenger seat of my car and i smile at the black box that was there. it was the box that had Davids rocks in from the night that we met. i thought back to our conversation that we had had when everything went down and how he had given them to me to give back to him when the time was right. that way he was going to know when i was ready to date. 

i pull up to his apartment and wait for him at the door. finally it opens, revealing David looking cute and handsome with a giant smile plastered upon his face. 

"hey little brown!" he pulls me into a hug, his scent sending me crazy. 

"hey David!" 

"so, we actually have the apartment to ourselves today, because Alex and Dom are going to be out all day!" my heart skipped a beat with the thought of being able to spend the whole day with David alone in his apartment.

we pull away from the hug and i remember that i am still holding the box with the rocks in it. 

"David i actually have something to give you, can we sit own for a second." he nods his head and shows a bit of a concerned face, probably thinking that i was going to tell him some bad news. he led me to the couch in the living room and i sat down right next him. 

"so what do you have for me liza?" he asks worriedly. i smile at the fact that he is worried over nothing. 

"well, remember that conversation that you and i had a few months ago?" he frowned in confusion.

"we have had a lot of conversations in the past month, what one are you referring to exactly?" i took a deep breath and smiled a little. he scooted closer to me so that our thighs were touching.

"the one where you handed me a certain box of rocks..." his smiled departed from his face s he remembered that day. he nodded his head sadly, not looking into my eyes as if her was still feeling guilty over what had happened. honestly, it happened a while ago. i was so over it. 

"yeah i remember i gave you the box and told you to only give them back to me when you felt that the time was right and when you felt that you were ready to maybe be something more. Liza why exactly are you brining this up?" i smiled even more, his eyes making contact with mine. 

"well..." i reached behind me and pulled out the little black box.

"i think that i have something that belongs to you, and that you should have them back" now his eyes are locked onto mine and then darting back and forth to the box. his smiled just about to wide for his face. i hand him the box and he grabs it, holding it tightly in his hands. 

"i don't mean that you and i have to change anything between us straight away or rush anything but i just wanted you to know that when the time is right I'm ready" he pulls me in for a hug and then kisses my forehead, throwing me a bit off guard. 

David jumped up off the couch with the box still tight in his grip. "So you ready to start filming for the vlog?" i nod and follow him to his room (which is terribly messy by the way!) "so we should film the intro first and then maybe later we could head down to target to film so things, only if you want to that is." i was still smiling as his cuteness. 

"yeah, that sounds fine. so what should we do for the intro skit?" 

"well i was thinking since my roommates are gone for the day we could do something like, be on the ground on either side of my room and throw a beach ball to each other and then say something goofy." 

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