dreams speak the truth

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my eyes shot open in hast as i woke gasping for air. i felt next to me in my bed and felt someone there, but when i look over it wasn't who i expected it to be, it was sam. i opened and closed my eyes a few dozen times until i gave up realising that i couldn't change my dreams into a reality. thats all it was, a dream. me coming back to LA, David moving on and proposing, him and i sleeping together. none of it was real. 

was that what was really going to happen in the not so distant future. David finding another woman that he was going to marry? why was i so against that? i mean i told him to leave and to never come back yesterday but yet my heart was still longing for him. maybe he hasn't left Houston yet, maybe i might still have time. just as i was about to jump up from my bed i felt Sam try to wrap his arms around me. 

"morning beautiful, where are going at 6 in the morning?" he ask's squinting at his mobile phone screen too bright for his freshly awoken eyes. 

"to fix my mistake and save both of our futures" he looked at me confused, as if i was some mad woman or something. i took it upon myself to explain that him and i were not going to work out and that David was the only one for me. 

"Sam im sorry, but at the end of the day, you were only someone who was supposed to be a distraction from David." i rushed out from my room before ehe could say anything and began my journey into the city to find the nearest hotel. fingers crossed he will still be asleep. 

it took me two hours to finally find the right hotel and ran up to his room as fast as i could. out of breath, i stopped in front of his door, room number 420, heisting weather or not i should do this. would he still want me after i said al of those horrible things to him? would he still love me or despise me. well i guess thats the risk i have to take. 


"just a minute" i called out from my bathroom in the hotel room that i was staying. i was leaving for the airport back to LA in a couple of hours. i finished putting my top on over my wet hair and walked to the door to see who was knocking on it. 

"hi how can i..." i stoped mid-sentence when i realised that i was staring into the face of the little brown girl whom had broken my heart the day before. 

"Liza?" i questioned her with nothing but confusion. seeing her again made me heart ache as i knew that i would never get her back. 

"hi David can i come in?" she speaks with her head down and her hands fighting with anxiety.she looked down and upset. i wanted to hug her so bad but then i remembered that i to was feeling that way and it was because of her. but still i wanted to hear what she had to say so i let her in.

"yeah sure of course" she walked to the edge of the bed and sat down as i closed the door behind me. i sat on the bed next to the one she was sitting and we both just sat in silence for a good minute before she started. 

"David before you say anything just hear me out ok? look when you came over yesterday i wasn't in a good mind set and i was still so confused and hurt and upset so i reacted badly to everything that you had to say but when you left you were all that i could think about. David im sorry. im so so sorry. i don't want Sam or anyone else for that matter, the only guy that i want to wake up next to for the rest of my life is you David Dobrik and only you. i love you." 

it took my brain a minute process what was happening. was this real? was i in some drug induced coma? i could see the tears laying at the bottom of her eyes, waiting to be released. but yet i couldn't move or speak. i was still in awe over what was actually happening. Liza began to speak again. 

"i understand if you really don't want to be with me anymore or that you hate me i know that i did you wrong and that i treated you badly, but Dave your the only one i want. please just say something" she pleaded with me but looked deflated when i continued to sit in silence. she sniffs and stands up trying to make an escape for the door but as she moves past me i gently grb a hold of her wrist and stand up so that we are now face to face. 

although she hurt me, i hurt her as well and if there was one thing that i knew for certain, it would b the fact that i love this girl and one day i wanna marry this girl. i cupped her face into my hands and pushed our lips together, both of our mouths moving in sync with one another. before this went further i had to ask her one more thing so i pulled away still cupping her face and looking directly into her hazel brown eyes. 

"Liza i need to know, is this what you really want. because after this, this is it. no more running back and forth, no more games. this is it. so tell me now if this is what you want." i ask her in a serious tone. her head nodding yes profusely. 

"yes, this is what i want, i want you forever and always, i want this i want us. we're endgame." after she finished talking our lips connected once again. not before too long we had moved to one of the beds, making out, my arms around her body. eventually we stopped kissing and began to laugh as we realised that i had missed my flight back to LA. We stayed in my hotel room for the rest of the day, watching movies, relaxing on the bed, holding her in arms knowing that never again was i going to let her go. like she said, we are endgame. 

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