Meet the Parents part one

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"now David rember, keep your swearing to a minimum, dont say or do anything innaproprite and please please promise me you wont try to kill my Mum or Dad with another animal that you ordered off craigslist!" i take a long breath in after i finish that sentence, realising that i had said it without taking one inbetween each word! David is sitting across from me on my bed editing some footage on his laptop, laughing as im in my panicing state. 

"David this isnt funny! these are my parents, you have to be on your best behaviour and you have to prom..." i get cut off by his lips smashing into mine. he pulls away after a breif moment.

"Liza, baby. just relax ok, its going to go great. i promise i will behave and i never put animals on anyone i just met, thats for the second meeting!" he bits his tongue as he smiles. 

i playfully slap his arm. "David!" he pulls me into his arms.

"pookie, just breath ok, i promise your parents will love me" he kisses me on the forehead and makes me forget about all of my worries. maybe he is right. my parents will love David as soon as they both see how much he loves and cares for me. 

we lay on the bed for the rest of the afternoon watching fanmade edits of us on youtube and finally settling down with the movie baby driver. before too long, we both fell asleep in each others arms. 


"pookie wake up, its seven AM and your parents are arriving at 9. come on baby we have to get ready and start making breakfast." i wait for my eyes to adjust to the harsh light of day ad david shakes me gently awake. his voice makes me feel so safe and secure. 

"mmm, morning baby" i give a small smile as he kneels beside my side of the bed and holds my hand in his. 

"morning baby. you go have a shower first ok and i will get started on breakfast, ok pookie." he gives me another quick peck on the forehead and then lifts me out of bed. i find my clothes that i was going to wear and i have a wuick shower. by the time that i am out and wlak into the kitchen i notice that david has already set the table, made bacon and eggs for me and him and already started on the lunch preparations. he is the sweetest guy that ever was! 

i walk up behind him in the kithen and  iwrap my arms around his waist, feeling him lean into the hug. "nice shower pookie?" 

"yep! baby you didnt have to do all of this, it wasnt your job to. i could have helped out baby." he turns around so that his arms are now around my waist and his beautiful brown eyes are staring directly into mine. 

"pookie it was the least i could do and besides, what kind of a boyfriend would i be if i didnt give my beautiful girlfriend a lendig hand every now and then! come and sit down baby, your breakfast will go cold!" i give him a passionate kiss on the lips and sit at the table and dig into the bacon and eggs that he had made. 

"im going to go grab a quick shower baby and freshen up before your parents arrive ok, iwont be long." i nod as he leaves for the shower and i pull out my phone to check the time. i didnt realise how quickly the morning had gone. it was already 8:30, giving us half an hour before my parents arrive. just thought of them arriving made me go off my food but i ate it in spite of my sudden lack of appitite seeing as david had made it. 

david eats his breakfast when he had finished in the shower and we both cleaned up any mess that was left in the kitchen. just as he leans in for a kiss my doorbell rung and my anxiety freshend up. david knew that i would act like this so he had already figured out what to do. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, kissing my head many times before lightly pushing me away so that our eyes were now meeting. 

"baby, today is going to be fine i promise you ok! just take a deep breath and relax, now come on we cant leave your parents waiting." he lets go of me and walks with me to the door. i take a second for a breather and then i build up the courage to open it. 

"LIZA!!!" my parents hurdled towards me wrapping me up into a hug so tight that i could barely breath. 

"mum, dad, airways... cant breath... my ribcage!" 

"oh sorry dalring!" my mum laughed as they both stepped back. they looked me up and down with smiles on thier faces and then turned their attention towards David. i knew that this was my  que to introduce them. 

"mum, dad, i would like you to meet David, my boyfriend." my parents stayed silent for a minute which felt like a century. the silence made everything so awakard. i could feel david becomming nerovus as well. he was supposed to be my rock for today! then finally my dad made the long awaited first move, he stepped forward and offered his hand to david for a handshake. my heart slowed down and  i couldnt help but smile. my mum stepped beside me seeing the worry in my face and smiled one of her gentle smiles while placing an arm around my waist. maybe this wasnt going to be so bad afterall. 

david shook my fathers hand and spoke first. "its a plesure to meet you Mr Koshy, and as well as you Mrs Koshy." i have to admit i have never heard david speak so formal in my life! 

"please, call me Joe! now have you been looking after my little girl?" now it was time for me to step in.

"arrr, Mum, Dad why dont we get you guys settled inside and we can show you around the apartment. they all follow suit and i turn around to my dad and give him a pleading look to behave! 

after showing them around the apartment we all sat down onthe couch and talked about how everythig is going. 

"so David" my mum starts. "how long have you been living here in LA for?" david is acting like a real gentleman. 

"just over a year now, i moved here to LA a couple of months before Liza did. Mrs Koshy would you like tea or coffee or anything?" 

"oh no thankyou dear, and please call me Julie." my dad was the next to speak. 

"David, look you seem like a nice guy but as a father its my duty to look after my little girl, so, David, what are your intentions with my daughter." i shake me head and place them in my hands in utter embarrasment. trust my dad to make things even more awkard than what it needed to be. but i was surprised with the answer that david had responded with. 

"i understand sir, and i promsie you that my one goal in life is too look after and to make sure Liza is happy. Joe, i want nothing more than to make your daughter happy, to look after her everyday for the rest of our lives, to love and cherish her and to never take her for granted. Joe, Liza is the girl that every mother wants ther son to bring home and one day on the future i want to marry this beautiful girl sitting before me." not only were my parents in awe with what he had just said but so was i! it was so sweet, i was nearly about to cry. but my mum beat me to it. she lept out of her seat with tears already in her eyes and wrapped david up in a tight embrace, tight enough so that he couldnt breath. 

"oh i love him already! Liza he is perfect!" finally she lets him go. 

"welcome to the family David." my dad says as he once agains extends his hand out and david once again recipocating the action. i already felt so much better about this day already, and it had just started. 

"alright everyone why dont we have some lunch!" 

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